Wednesday, February 21, 2007

milan fashion week 02

Bottega Veneta
Backstage at Bottega Veneta - much more interessting than on the runway, I think! Models hanging around, hugging - as usual - pretty Heidi-like Hairstyles (I always think of Heide when I see braids like that, although the Heidi living in the alps somehow didn't have a braid!).
See the whole collection here.


Hhm. Let's keep it to the details! The cluth bags are very practical since you don't have to hold them. They're "glued" to your hand. The socks-thing is also a cool (warming) alternative to the sockless trend in winter. Lara Stone has "tights" on her head (that's how I go to bed every night to make my hair look sleek in the morning) and Olga Sherer looks nice in her own outfit (although jeans in boots).


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