Monday, February 19, 2007

Am I going to write about Britney Spears?

No I'm not, not really! But her latest activities inspired me to write someting about bald heads (or at least very short hair!) in fashion, film and commercials. A famous and good example from the model world is Alek Wek which I pretty much like (she reminds me very much of my aunt from philadelphia, although she's not that tall). I loved Demi Moore and her "hair" style in GI Jane (I've never seen that movie!) and Natalie Portman's Bald head in V for Vendetta. These two women have perfectly shaped heads and the figure you need to look good without hair. Nothing Britney has, sorry! Loose weight, get the attitude and start rocking like these women:

Here you'll find more bald headed women in the movies and this video is about models without hair in the 90s (sorry for the bad quality!):

And if you're really into shaving your/the head just search on youtube and you'll find plenty of peolpe who're into the same!


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