Saturday, July 21, 2007

Kunstakademie Stuttgart Sommerausstellung 2007


I'm back home and brought some nice pictures for you. I've been to the Rundgang of the Kunstakademie in Stuttgart a couple of hours ago, which opend yesterday and will be open until Monday. Please download the floorplan (pdf) here


In my opinion student's exhibition are always kind of problematic. Although many of the students might have had good ideas, they often aren't capable of transforming them into actual communicating products, pictures, installations, photographs, whatever. Well you might say now, that they are there to learn, but in most of the cases I'm not sure if they'll ever learn it. So, what I'm trying to say is that Rundgang exhibitions can be very exhausting since you'll always have to deal with loads of crapp before finding a diamond.


Besides art (sculpture and painting) you can also study architecture, industrial design and graphic design at the Stuttgart academy. My friend Carolin Jörg - I exhibited her work at my flur gallery recently - also studied there.


I'm really sorry for the bad quality pictures. I urgently need a new camera but somehow can't afford one right now ;-( Pictures will be better in future, I promise!


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