Sunday, July 29, 2007



You've probably noticed that I've included an advertising bar to my blog's left hand side. It's not that I'm making loads of money from blogging now - well let's see what will happen ;-) ...
Amongst my first advertisers is Buenos Aires based T-shirt label Waterloo.


Waterloo's online store was opened in November 2006. Previously, they started making T-shirts in January 2005 selling them to their friends, friends of their friends...and so on....

They design all the clothes offered on the site. You won't find them in stores. They offer unique retro, vintage designs of cool rock bands, classic movies, cartoons, etc. Really cool ones in my opinion. So don't hesitate to order your cool summer shirts from Buenos Aires. You'll get 10% off if you use the code "fnart" while ordering.


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