Wednesday, July 25, 2007

fashion = art = fashion


Fashion isn't art - I would say. At least not automatically, but that doesn't mean it can't be. There are a lot of examples to proove the art ability of certain fashion designs (guess we would have to define what art is first!?). But what is it, that makes fashion arty? Is it the not wearability? The pushing-it-to-the-edges use of certain fabrics - like wool in the case of Sandra Backlund - the hardcore knitter?

modabot did an interview with her just after she'd won the fashion category of this year's Hyères Festival International de Mode et Photographie:

"What attracted you about knitwear design? I guess I have found the ultimate way to express myself through my heavy wool collage knitting. I am very inspired by almost every traditional handicraft technique. It is the real thing and everything that the fashion industry of today is not. Very consuming in terms of time and money and a real trial to one´s psychical and physical strength. All the levels of skills you have to pass before you can even think about starting to improvise. For me it is the absolute challenge. [...]

Could you tell us a little about your collection “Ink Blot Test”?
When I start on a new collection I always take off from a diffuse idea. Then I begin to experiment with different handicraft techniques and materials to find a couple of concrete bricks to develope into garments. One thing leads to another and in the end the collection is like a three dimensional mind map. This time the starting point was the idea of the ink blot test, you know when you take a blank page, spill some black ink and water, fold it in the middle and then unfold to discover what chance gave you. Like a symmetrical accident. [...]

What/Who are your artistic inspirations?
I always work with the human body as an inspiration when creating a garment. I am really fascinated by all the ways you can highlight, distort and transform the natural silhouette of the body with clothes and accessories. [...]"

Read the whole interview here


I was very happy to be able to see Sandra Backlund's designs in real life at this years Ideal Fashion show during Berlin Fashion week. Although we had seats, we could hardly see the show. Well we saw all the models coming out of the dressing rooms, but couldn't for example see the shoes, which was very bad. Fortunately modabot with a much better view took some nice pictures. You can see them here.

Another interview - moving pictures this time ;-)...

Oh I love Sandra Backlund. She definitely is one of my favourite upcoming designers ♥

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