Sunday, July 15, 2007

bfw 02 ::: BÄNG! + you wear it well


"Bäng" is the name of an art exhibition that was part of the ideal's contribution to berlin fashion week curated by Magnus Müller. Part of the exhibition was the presentation of some videos of the you wear it well project by Diane Pernet (who managed to be there for the opening - wow I've never seen her before in real life...). I'll post my opinion of this attemt of connecting fashion and art later, since I agreed to write something about it for modabot.

But well, it's always hard to connect fashion and art. I would say it definitely is connected, but it's not easy to show the connection in an appropriate way. susie bubble wrote about a quite interessting exhibition at the gallery in soho/london called fashion is art.

"A whole host of British/London-based designers have been asked to design and create a piece that demonstrates artistry in fashion and every piece was auctioned off last Wednesday to aid Capital 95.8's 'Help a London Child'."

Furthermore she says that fashion actually isn't art but can be and that this CAN isn't really shown in that exhibition - although it's still worth a visit!

I still haven't figured out the right way to communicate that connection, probably only in a conceptual way? Since art always runs the risk to be demoted as decoration - Bäng really was at the border. So I was very happy to be able to talk to the curator to sort out my thoughts. As already mentioned. I'll post my text here as soon at it hat been published ;-)


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