Wednesday, July 25, 2007

reader's mail

... not yet!

I love getting emails like that (concerning that post). They really chear me up. Thank you ♥
By the way, does anyone want to offer me a really nice well paid job? I would appreciate that... Just write me an email ;-)

"just read about your phase/crisis. don't get too worked up over it. your doubts about painting are understandable & have been around since modernism's beginning. I'm not particularly a close reader of arthur c.danto, but I think he once stated that there will no longer be any great art movements but there still will be some great art. proof of that is in your recent discovey of danilo buccella. those are really cool paintings - and a figurative artist besides! ( "the figure in art is dead" how old is that one?!) maybe it doesn't have a matter. look at all the horrible nonsense going on in the world right now. is painting that bad of a thing?

I've been an artist my whole life. I'm not successful at it & 90% of the time I even doubt if I'm any good. but I'm still glad I am. perhaps painting is dying but I don't think it will be an easy death. it has survived photography, film, tv & is still hanging on in the digital age. I don't know if there will always be painting. but think about it, painting/art was one of the first things people ever did. think of how great those first artists were, who decorated those caves in france & spain, or the beautiful rock paintings in australia. that alone still inspires me.

don't let theory get you down. continue to do what your doing - finding & looking at art not only in it's plastic forms, but in people & fashion as well. its all good.

sincerely, GFD"

Painting will always be there, that's for sure and be it only because of tradition. I don't know...

Jennine wrote something nice aswell:

"[...] i know what you mean about paintings, especially if you develop a taste for conceptual art, performance, video, sculpture... etc. paintings at times can seem rather illustrative.

but lately i've been seeing some clever work, like my friend bill rhea, who does traditional type paintings of san francisco, has begun taking it to a more allegorical level with a twist. i find that satisfies my need to get heady around art."

I like that "need to get heady around art". My needs aren't satisfied too often. I probably want too much ;-(

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