Monday, July 16, 2007

bfw 03 ::: Vivienne Westwood Anglomania SS 2008

Please don't ask how mary and I managed to get inside "the tent". But well we did. Please take my little crappy bad quality video as proof ;-)

I still don't understand how img could organize "the tent". The location was kind of nice - well the whole location - the models had to go through the Brandenburg gate, which was kind of cool, but entered a really crappy catwalk, totally cramped and looking like some kind of warehouse presentation space. Totally horrible, not to mention the heat! Is New York the same? Anyway. We had no seats of course but at least a quite nice standing room with a great overview.

The Anglomania collection was quite nice. Well it's just Vivienne Westwoods "small" line, but still had some quite interessting very wearable pieces, nothing overwhelming, but... I loved the neon green shoes, the black trench and some of the dresses.

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