Thursday, July 26, 2007

documenta 12 - so what?

"With over 500 works from all over the world the exhibition is regarded as one of the most important exhibitions of contemporary art and draws attention from all over the world. Sadly however the British art critics don’t like this year’s exhibition. "The worst art show ever" was the headline in the Telegraph from Richard Dorment. "Freelance curator Roger Buergel and his art historian wife Ruth Noack," Dorment wrote, "have managed to stage the single worst art exhibition I have ever seen anywhere, ever."
Heavyweight Guardian critic Adrian Searle was equally scathing describing it as "100 days of ineptitude." Searle did admit to liking some works though he called the custom-built Pavilion "ghastly". [...]"

That's not the only upsetting thing I've heard about it. Well I'll be there in three weeks.
The only thing I can say about it so far is that the first magazine on "modernity" is horrible. Couldn't stand reading it. Far too overtheoratical. Booooooring!!!

So please enjoy this video. Has nothing to do with documenta, but takes place in kassel, there's a cute skateboarder in it ♥ and the music is nice...


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