Thursday, July 12, 2007

no. 1 tour de france

well probably i should reveal some secrets of my life peu a peu - since i somehow can't recall 6 interessting things of my life at once (speaking of this tagging thing going around in the blogosphere). I've already did it and now I feel like doing it again:

I love racebiking! I love watching it and I love doing it. I don't watch any other sports on tv, but I do watch bike races like le tour the france. This is quite unfashionable huh? Please don't ask me what I think about all this doping fuss going around...

Well I call a really nice and stylish 80s racing colnago bike my own and well I really ride it, as you can see (please don't mind my funny face expression I just returned from a quite hard 500m difference in altitude mountain stage and yes, I hate the helmet and the glasses - but that's what you are supposed to wear on a racing bike. At least nobody recognises me ;-).

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