Wednesday, July 18, 2007

bfw 05 ::: Jennifer Ann Gilpin


I've seen many many young interessting avantgarde designers while berlin fashion week. I took me a while to sort out all the business cards and look at all the websites and to make a choice of whom to post about.

One of the ones I really loved is the canadian designer Jennifer Ann Gilpin. Her gothic (?) inspired styles don't only look good, they even have an interessting concept (you know I love it when beautiful things become even more beautiful throughout a beautiful meaning/concept/theory).


"Jennifer Ann Gilpin is a limited collection of carefully crafted garments founded in both geometry and ecology. The designer has set out on a prolonged study of geometric principals and how they relate to the body through clothing. Beginning with the rectangle, triangle, and infinity shapes, then landing on the golden mean and Fibonacci. While using these principals as a foundation for the structure of the garments, she explores the shapes and silhouettes that relate to our time, and social identity. Means of production, materials, and processes are all considered for minimal wastage, and impact. The use of local materials and labor, along with the use of natural, and ecological fibers are integral." [...]


You should definitely check out her website...
or shop online


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