Sunday, July 22, 2007

no bloggers at san francisco fashion week

Jennine - The Coveted - will not be attending San Francisco Fashion week. The organisers do not issue passes to bloggers.

That's kind of narrow minded isn't it? I don't think that bloggers should automatically be called "press" or "journalists" (citizen journalism might be the right term) but that shoudn't exclude the possibility of bloggers beeing journalists. The increasing influence of bloggers and the high quality a lot of them reach is a fact that established media can't get around - web2.0 - the machine is us/ing us!

IMG seemed to have done their homework. Last October they handed out 40 official press passes to bloggers. They took their time to sort out parts of the huge amount of fashion related blogs to invite some of the better established like manolo's shoe blog, go fug yourself and fashion addict diary (these are the good ones - well I shoudn't complain, but among the chosen ones are also blogs I wouldn't want to have on my fashion show - hey it's not always only about the readership rate - I hope they'll refine their selection criteria soon).

Tricia of bits and bobbins says:

"SF fashion week's interest is to protect their established network, and any intrusion upon their network by other types of voices (who might be divergent) is threatening.

one of the great things about blogging these days is that it allows for intelligent, diverse voices...who are not connected directly to the industry machine. many people who blog are telling it how they see it, how it really is...and the people, the readers are LISTENING, and can relate. it is refreshing to read dispatches from the grassroots, rather than being force-fed by corporations and industries who are protecting their own interests.

the main objective of this event and the fashion industry anywhere is to make MONEY. the "accredited journalists, buyers, and stylists" are being PAID to move product, whether or not it's aesthetically pleasing. nevermind if it's interesting, or's not the point. what is TRULY interesting and innovative doesn't produce as many dollars. and they don't have enough dollars to bother with "bloggers". [...]

And also really important:

"the thing is...they can't control you or what you say in your blog, because you're not part of the "accredited members" of their network. they can't trust you to move what they WANT you to move."

I totally agree with high fashion girl:

"Determination of which bloggers would be easy. You could determine it by content, traffic, and writing ability. I mean, allowing 5 top area bloggers wouldn't have been a big deal. I really think their decision reflects censorship of New Media."

Uhuh San Franciso Fashion week screwed up this time. Well, let's wait and see what will happen next season ;-) and stay tuned. I'm curious how Jennine's - the coveted - fashion week thriller continues... Good luck dear ♥

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