Thursday, May 31, 2007

what do i wear at basel art fair

Well. Since learning and thinking about what to wear at basel art fair is all i do for the last couple of days, i thought it would be nice of me to share at least my thoughts on the clothing issue.

Some time ago i stumbled upon sans the new york based eco friendly design duo - growing up in germany all this eco fuss seems really weired to me!!! Anyway, I love their styles and when it's also eco friendly, it's even better!!! Today I talked to Kate about it and maybe we'll try to redesign some of the styles since I can't afford the original right now...

The title of this post is a quote. French artist Matthieu Laurette did a project at Frieze Art Fair two years ago called what do they wear at frieze art fair?


french architecture

Dear readers, I won't be able to post regularily the next couple of weeks. I have my final oral exams in 5 weeks and so much stuff to do besides that, that I really don't know how to even manage my exams...
All the major events will be covered (Art Basel, p.e.), I promise. I've barricaded myself at home (or in the library) only go out to eat and shop for Basel stuff (very systematicly).
The themes of my oral exams are (very art historical and one can't really choose them...): Gothic architecture of the Île-de-France, Manet and Theory of Minimal Art. What I'm going to do until sunday is comparing floor plans, facades and stuff like that. Does it sound weired when I say I really love it? I'm a huge gothic fan...

Credit: G. Binding, "Was ist Gotik?", scanned by me.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

art basel

I'll be in Basel for the art fair this year (The Sartorialist aswell!!!). I'm already thinking about what to wear. Since this fair isn't not only about art! In addition I'm going to meet my future "boss" from New York (or well at least the person who is going to pay my salaray in parts...). So a neat pair of skinny jeans and some flats won't be enough to leave a mark. Since I don't have the money to simply buy the things I'd need for some fabulous outfits I'll have to be creative.

June's German InStyle (my favourite trash magazine!) already brought a special on the art events with some dressing advice (maybe EVERY magazine is going to bring or has already written something about it!). Since it's going to be hot, I'll go for light summer dresses and some fabulous sandals. I definitely won't be able to walk around Basel in heels (as adviced)!!! Some accessories, a neat bag - done!

I'll post pictures on my clothes sorting progress the next couple of days (I'll be in Stuttgart for some shopping next week)...

Credit: Julian Opie, Ruth Smoking 3, 2006, Edition of 50, 121 x 80 cm (Courtesy Alan Cristea Gallery, London) | |

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

i love my body

One night in Devon

On Sale June 7. 'ONE NIGHT IN DEVON' by JEREMY SCOTT. Split covers.

Where has Devon been lately? Why doesn't exist a fantastic magazine like i-D in Germany? Why is i-D so expensive in Germany? Why don't I finish university and get a job and simply buy all the brilliant foreign magazines without caring about what they actually cost?

Credit: Royal-Galliano @ tfs

latex, again

hhm. latex really isn't a new material in fashion. In August 2003 Vogue Italia (innovative as usual) already featured thist exciting material. Wow. I found this Daria Werbowy by Steven Meisel spread via tfs here. There you'll also find the rest of the spread. Thanks to valley of dolls. I guess like ra is gonna like it!?

Credit: valley of dolls

Back from Hamburg

Because of really heavy traffic I wasn't able to do anything I planned to do on friday. Me and my boyfriend arrived in Hamburg at 7.30 pm without beeing in Hannover for the made in germany exhibition. Everyone living in Germany seemed to be on the Autobahn on friday. It was horrible. In Hamburg I had 15 minutes to spend in H&M where I bought a dress which I have to return because it doesn't fit properly - I hate shopping out of frustration... At least my boyfriend bought a very sexy slim fit Hugo Boss shirt to wear at my ex-boyfriends wedding...

On saturday I spent the morning preparing for the wedding, which started at 4 pm. I wore a dress Hang made for me. Long slim, shiny - I was dressed perfectly. I couldn't take a single photo at that wedding since I forgot to bring my battery pack, which really pissed me off since I carried the camera around but couldn't take a single photo. My ex promissed to upload pictures on a website, that means I'll probably be able to upload some pictures later.

The wedding was AMAZING and perfectly organized. Since my ex's wife is half indian the ceremony was indian inspired. She wore a traditional dress and looked really really beautiful. The food was great, the music, the people, the party, everything. I really enjoyed myself and was very happy to meet many people again...

I was really exhausted on sunday. So I spent most of the day in bed. I simply left the appartment for having breakfast or to walk the dog. Later it started to rain (and never stopped since then!). In the evening we met Axel (whom I met for the first time after about six years) and a friend for some drinks. Axel is living in Basel right now and that's also a reason (but not the only one - mora about that later!!!) for me to go to Art Basel in June.

On Monday I met my friend Sabinah, Robin and their son for lunch. They've been to Hamburg for the weekend aswell. After that I met my grandmother and some other friend in the evening.

Today I arrived in Heidelberg by train. My boyfriend and our dog are still in Hamburg. I had to come back home to write this boring entry and learn for my oral final exams at the end of June. OMG - hope this isn't too boring!? The weekend actually wasn't - there simply didn't happen that much to write about...

model recycling

Is it common to use different pictures from the same editorial in two different magazines (same month's edition)? Did globalization already get that far? Are fashion magazines becoming more and more equal these days?

This months i-D features a editiorial by photographer Paul Wetherell starring Cintia Dicker (where has she been lately?). And 032c magazine does the same. I mean THE SAME. SAME setting, SAME model, SAME SAME SAME... And the Cintia Dicker spread isn't the only one! TWO editorials both in TWO different magazines...

What does that mean? Did I miss something? Is this how things work? See the whole Cintia Dicker eds here (032c) and here (i-D)

Credit: Scanned and photographed by me from 032c and i-D

germany's next topmodel...

the 20 year old barbara meier from regens- burg is germany's next topmodel. Well, let's see what will happen. Doesn't she remind us a bit of Lily Cole? Hhm. Yes, no!? Maybe it's just the red hair!? Anyway. I love the red hair and loved how she somehow managed to forbear from the bitching in the "model house". Good luck Barbara and maybe we'll see you somewhere again (besides the dodgy C&A campaign) . She at least won a contract with IMG models. Well that's not that bad! Overall Heidi Klum did a good job, I guess...

It wasn't me who did that video, by the way...


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Hyères 2007 ::: les pieds dans la mode

Many many thanks to patricia for showing this (and of course thank you to garance doré and café mode for doing this) ♥ I think I've really missed something there. But beeing in all the major art AND fashion events would go beyond the scope... (well maybe next year when there aren't to many upcoming art events)...

For those of you who haven't been there neither.
This is for you:

Via: bobble-bee


I'm on the road again. On our way to hamburg we'll make a quick stop at Hannover to see the Made in Germany exhibition. At the same evening we'll visit the heliumcowboy artspace for the Finissage of the Boris Hoppek show.
On saturday there's my ex-boyfriend's wedding, what Hang sew me a gorgeous dress for (Kate, Hang and I made a photo session yesteday - I'll post the photos as soon as I'm back). We'll simply hang around on Saturday and Monday, meet some friends (probably I'm going to visit my grandmother...) and I'll be back on Tuesday. Look forward to many pictures and storys to tell.
I hope I'll find the time to go to H&M on Saturday to get that dress I'm dreaming of since I saw it the first time in Frankfurt - cross your fingers...

Don't get bored while I'm away and shop at the wrongstore meanwhile (more info at style bubble or next week on f&art) .

Credit: zwacklmann

american apparel news

aa is really hitting the shiny thing (lately). I haven't bought my golden leggins yet (lack of money, lack of selfconfidence...) but I'm already looking at the silver mini dress thing (would wear it on skinny jeans).
The cross front jumper looks also great and the two coloured mini dress. Hhm. I definitely need a well paid job soon! And who is actually going to wear this where (it looks really cool, but...)? And what about this, this and that? You should definitely take a look at aa's coming soon styles. They're definitely expanding their target audience or are they just following the fashion trends? Well, that's the question! I love it anyway (their 80s tabledancer styles)...


Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Kate's back and that's (besides some other magazines and lots of photos from the rca sculpture show - I'll post them later.) what she's brought for me...
June's Vogue UK cover is totally hot! Agyness Deyn simply rocks. I know that there're so many of you not liking her, but I somehow love that girl - her style, her attitude ♥

Credit: manuva on tfs

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


There do excist so many fashion and art (= culture?) related magazines that it's really hard to have a general survey. I've linked many in my sidebar on the right, but linking all the magazines I come across would go beyond the scope of this blog - so not linking one doesn't mean that I don't like the magazine, it's somehow simply that either I don't know the magazine or simply had to compromise in terms of space. But from time to time I get hold of a new (to me at least) interessting magazine.

Last week I received an email from 032c promoting their 13th issue. Well 13th? I haven't heard of the 12 previous issues... What a shame, since 032c is a really cool magazine and somehow my blog in a print version, since they deal with my subjects but in a much more professional way of course!

The most anticipated release for the summer has also proved to be the most surprising one: 032c magazine, already an established leader in design and known for its elegant minimalism, has brought in Cologne-based art director Mike Meiré (brand eins, Kid's Wear, BMW, Dornbracht) for its 13th issue. The provocative outcome has ushered in a break from the norm with an "anti-feuilleton design," as Meiré and editor Joerg Koch have called it. This is a bold move from the German magazine, which has inspired a number of imitators in recent years. [...] With fashion designer Hedi Slimane, industrial designer Konstantin Grcic and Vanity Fair's Todd Eberle on board, 032c's list of contributors is distinct in its diversity. (The Wall Street Journal, May 20th, 2007)

Since the website doesn't give much information on what the magazine really is about I was even happier to find an 032c issue in my mailbox the other day. I love well done magazines with a little twist and althought the binding isn't extraordianary it's different and I like it. Mike Meiré has done a really great job. Similar to purpe fashion magazine 032c doesn't have only one sort of paper, depending on the topic it differs between plain thick paper and high gloss. O.k. enough about the design - well I'm a sucker for really nice paper!!!

The 13th issue is about Energy Experimentation ans somehow is an "exhibition" containing fashion, art and textual works on that topic. Amongst the contributers are Anselm Reyle, Werner Herzog, Jonathan Meese, Niklas Maak, Hedi Slimane, Konstantin Grcic, Roger M. Buergel, Eva Karcher and Melissa Bradshaw. And even the fashions spreads don't consist of boring models hanging around bored. They show some new and some better known faces (Cintia Dicker par example) and are what I'd call decadent (the items used, the settings...).

Want more? Please click HERE


Sunday, May 20, 2007


I don't write about men's fashion often (do I ever?). Via modabot I've stumbled upon io-berlin. Although I don't like the website that much I even more love the collection designed by Carola Plöchinger. I really like stylish people who know what suits their types and I would be very impressed by someone wearing this Cummerbund-like belt and the leather glove, oh and the boots and the trousers put inside them. I just LOVE it!!!

Credit: io-berlin

Carsten Höller's SLIDE

The RCA Sculpture Show 2007

Kate's in London and I'm at my boyfriend's parent's house eating asparagus, which I hate actually, but anyway... Kate's friend Zara exhibits her work at the RCA Sculpture Show and on friday I had to help her sort out some clothes to wear. They're also dining at nobu tonight which is said to be a really cool restaurant - I'm so ignorant with such things sometimes...

Opening on Tuesday 22 May the RCA Sculpture Show is the eagerly awaited annual end of year exhibition by graduating students from the Royal College of Art’s acclaimed Sculpture Department. The exhibition is a chance for the public, galleries and art collectors to spot new talent and purchase work by the rising stars of contemporary fine art.

Historically the Royal College of Art has figured large in sculpture – indeed it played a key role in the birth of the modern school of British sculpture in the 1920s, with students including Barbara Hepworth and Henry Moore changing the face of sculpture for ever. Even more today, the College continues to lead the way, with sculptors Tony Cragg, Richard Wentworth, David Mach and Jake Chapman being just a few RCA alumni. More recently, winners of the first Jerwood Sculpture Prize Benedict Carpenter (2000) and his successor Gereon Krebber (2001), along with 2006 graduate Aisling Hedgecock (a major new artist according to The Independent), have been tipped as names to watch out for. (pressrelease)

RCA Sculpture Show Royal College of Art Sculpture Department,
15–25 Howie Street, Battersea,
London SW11

Open Tuesday 22 May to Wednesday 30 May, 12 noon – 9pm weekdays and
10am – 6pm weekends.
Nearest tube: Sloane Square/Buses: 19, 49, 319, 345
Free Admission.

I'll post this years pictures as soon as Kate's returned.


Saturday, May 19, 2007

H&M autumn 2007

Via ladybirds nest I had the chance to take a short glimpse at the upcoming H&M autumn collection. I'm so excited!!!! As already stated by ladybird it really looks like a mixture of the autumn 2006 and autumn 2007 Marc by Marc Jacobs collections. And I love(d) both!!! Summer even hasn't really started and I'm already looking forward to fall. Fashion (I) can be crazy sometimes!? The cut of the coat is tremendous...

Credit: ladybirdbest

Friday, May 18, 2007

Ann Demeulemeester SS 07

Ann Demeulemeester definitely is one of my favourite Designers. I've never worn a single item designed by her, but I'm convinced that they wouldn't suit me ;-( To wear her stuff one has to have an androgynous figure I guess, which I haven't. My shoulders are to broad and my bust aswell. I haven't got the money neither... Finally it isn't that bad at all. I'll just continue looking at her wonderful creations ♥If you want to see more be sure to check out my LIVEJOURNAL or kararoku's website.


Thursday, May 17, 2007

documenta 12 anyone???

I received my press accrediation for documenta 12 today. That means I'll probably attend the press conference June 13th and the opening June 15th. That also means I would have to stay in Kassel for three days (and this year's documenta isn't meant to be as huge as the last one...) and besides the documenta Kassel isn't really THE place to be.

Is anyone of you going to be there??? Please send me an email and we'll probably arrange something!? My documenta attendance would mean full documenta coverage for you...

If I'm not going to make it to all the press fuss I'll definitely going to be there during the summer. So there'll definitely be a full documenta coverage for you...

Ich CANNES die ganzen red carpet...

...Bilder irgendwie nicht mehr sehen (= I can't stand all those red carpet pictures anymore). That's why I post only one picture (well o.k. one huge and a smaller one) of the Cannes 2007 opening showing probably the most happy couple (at least they look like that...). Michael Moore and his wife Kathleen Glynn who wears the most stylish sun glasses ever...

Andi McDowell and Gong Li also looked kind of cute from above!

You should check later for the "real" red carpet looks!!!


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Berlin SS 2008

Well. Berlin has it's first "real" FASHIONWEEK. From 12th - 15th July it will be BryantPark-like located in a tent next to the Brandenburg Gate. The first participating designers have been announced and among those is Vivienne Westwood - quelle surprise!

The range of styles represented at the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Berlin will range from high fashion to sportswear, from renowned international labels to large German labels. Berlin’s young designers will also be given the chance to show their collections. [...] (pdf!).
