Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Back from Hamburg

Because of really heavy traffic I wasn't able to do anything I planned to do on friday. Me and my boyfriend arrived in Hamburg at 7.30 pm without beeing in Hannover for the made in germany exhibition. Everyone living in Germany seemed to be on the Autobahn on friday. It was horrible. In Hamburg I had 15 minutes to spend in H&M where I bought a dress which I have to return because it doesn't fit properly - I hate shopping out of frustration... At least my boyfriend bought a very sexy slim fit Hugo Boss shirt to wear at my ex-boyfriends wedding...

On saturday I spent the morning preparing for the wedding, which started at 4 pm. I wore a dress Hang made for me. Long slim, shiny - I was dressed perfectly. I couldn't take a single photo at that wedding since I forgot to bring my battery pack, which really pissed me off since I carried the camera around but couldn't take a single photo. My ex promissed to upload pictures on a website, that means I'll probably be able to upload some pictures later.

The wedding was AMAZING and perfectly organized. Since my ex's wife is half indian the ceremony was indian inspired. She wore a traditional dress and looked really really beautiful. The food was great, the music, the people, the party, everything. I really enjoyed myself and was very happy to meet many people again...

I was really exhausted on sunday. So I spent most of the day in bed. I simply left the appartment for having breakfast or to walk the dog. Later it started to rain (and never stopped since then!). In the evening we met Axel (whom I met for the first time after about six years) and a friend for some drinks. Axel is living in Basel right now and that's also a reason (but not the only one - mora about that later!!!) for me to go to Art Basel in June.

On Monday I met my friend Sabinah, Robin and their son for lunch. They've been to Hamburg for the weekend aswell. After that I met my grandmother and some other friend in the evening.

Today I arrived in Heidelberg by train. My boyfriend and our dog are still in Hamburg. I had to come back home to write this boring entry and learn for my oral final exams at the end of June. OMG - hope this isn't too boring!? The weekend actually wasn't - there simply didn't happen that much to write about...

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