Thursday, May 3, 2007

Being stuck in Heidelberg

isn't that bad some- times. Not blogging for about two days already makes me a bad conscious. But beeing in Heidelberg right now is simply too much fun. There's an exhibition opening at the Heidelberger Kunstverein tomorrow (7 pm). Niels Bonde a danish artist came all the way from copenhagen to build his exhibition only to realise that he totally wasn't able to work because of some bad back ache. A friend - Berndt Jasper, an artist from Hamburg who does totally amazing things (I'll write more about it later) - who drove him here built the whole show for him and somehow got stuck in Heidelberg - which isn't that hard when you meet the right people here and he did ;-) So we spent the last two days at the Orange Café Bar and at Kate's shop/gallery space drinking and simply having fun. That's so important sometimes. Well tomorrow everything will be over - we'll all be back to (working) reality!

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