Friday, May 4, 2007

bruno pieters spring summer 2007

I'm about to finish university and lucky me there's already a quite interessting job opportunity waiting for me (more about that later...). Equally important - besides the uber cool things I'd have to do for that job - is the fact that I will earn some money (much more than I do know!). Crazy as I am I'm already setting up shopping lists and dream about the things I'll be able to buy then. Some pieces of Bruno Pieter's aw 2007 collection are already on my list...
Do you know kararoku? If you're also a Bruno Pieters and Ann Demeulemeester fan you should definitely check out that site. It's some japanese fashion agency I guess. I've posted pictures from their site in my livejournal earlier. Now you'll find there my preselection of Bruno Pieter's spring summer 2007 collection. Enjoy and leave a comment!

(I totally love these tranparent leggin like pants shown in the first picture. I totally got to have them ♥)


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