Thursday, May 24, 2007


I'm on the road again. On our way to hamburg we'll make a quick stop at Hannover to see the Made in Germany exhibition. At the same evening we'll visit the heliumcowboy artspace for the Finissage of the Boris Hoppek show.
On saturday there's my ex-boyfriend's wedding, what Hang sew me a gorgeous dress for (Kate, Hang and I made a photo session yesteday - I'll post the photos as soon as I'm back). We'll simply hang around on Saturday and Monday, meet some friends (probably I'm going to visit my grandmother...) and I'll be back on Tuesday. Look forward to many pictures and storys to tell.
I hope I'll find the time to go to H&M on Saturday to get that dress I'm dreaming of since I saw it the first time in Frankfurt - cross your fingers...

Don't get bored while I'm away and shop at the wrongstore meanwhile (more info at style bubble or next week on f&art) .

Credit: zwacklmann

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