Saturday, March 31, 2007

FLUR ::: Carolin Jörg ::: opening soon

I'm hopelessly busy at the moment and very sorry that I'm not able to post in f&art more often these days. I'll launch a new website tomorrow conceirning my new independent exhibition place where on april 13th my first exhibition will open. Well it's not THAT special, but very new and very exciting for me, because I do EVERYTHING on my own. Writing Pressreleases, searching for graficdesigners, organize the flyerprinting, designing a new website etc.
The artist is the Stuttgart based Carolin Jörg who does mostly drawings and a lot of them on the fashion topic - another reason I got really interessted in her. This night I'm going to finish the press release and after my boyfriend translated it ino english (his english is much better than mine ;-) I'll post it on the new webpage and post the link here... So stay tuned for more information.
What do you think of the flyer's front. Vivienne Westwood, heh?

Credit: Carolin Jörg, from the Series "Jalouse", scanned by me

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Chanel Paris-Biarritz and Diane Kruger

Karl Lagerfeld himself took the photos of Diane Kruger running around Paris with Chanel's new hot Paris-Biaritz bag. To be honst I'm nost so much of a Chanel fan (in order of wearing it personally), but these bags - especially the really large one - I absoulety adore...


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Ugly Betty & Latex

It feels a tiny little bit like this wearing latex. But really not THAT uncomfortable.

Via: Kinky Gerlinky

Gabriele Pauli in Latex

Woah! Can't believe it. This is definitely the first time ever that German politicians are ahead!!! The CSU member Gabriele Pauli posed for the German society magazine park avenue in Latex gloves!!! Well. let's see how people will talk about it when the new issue arrives on newsstand tomorrow ;-)


sometimes we all are just...

...romantic little ?%&/§)$s Anyway. I'm just a little confused that my mothers favourite movie is "Pride and Prejudice" based on Jane Austen's novel with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle. Do daughters come some much after their mothers? I could watch the newer version (2005) starring Keira Knightley and Matthew McFadyen over and over again. My boyfriend has left for a week so I can hang on the sofa eating chocolate and watch it over and over again...

wtf??? I just realised that the movie also has a NORTH AMERICAN ENDING??? Oh. I've always watched the British version and there's no kissing in the end! What a shame ;-) But as far as I remember there's no kissing in the book!? Actually I think the real "no kissing" end is much better!!! Let's keep it real. Noone ever kisses in Jane Austen's novels! It all happens in your head afterwards and that's what keeps it in your minds and lets you watch the movie over and over again ;-)

Blogging about latex... your blog popularity. My blogstatistics register many visitors from east european based latex fan forums like, and I simply don't understand polish or russian and I am not registered (and don't intend doing so), but very curious what they write about my latex photos and this blog...

I've written about Claudia Rose Lukas' spring/summer collection some time ago. She was very pleased about it (I ♥ blogstatistics!) and send me some photos of her upcoming aw 07 collection, which also contains... what? ... LATEX!!! I wonder how the readers of foto_decadent could possibly call the Irina Lazareanu editorial for Sleek magazine by Terry Richardson as uninnovative, while they use the most innovative material of the next season!?


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Irina Lazareanu on Sleek Cover

Irina is one of my favourites for some time now. So I was very pleased to see her on the Spring edition's cover by germany based fashion and art magazine sleek. There's also an editiorial photographed by Terry Richardson inside!!! I've uploaded it here. Please enjoy (and don't hotlink ;-)...
Latex definitely seems to be THE item for next autumn/winter.
Download the current Sleek issue here after registration...


Saturday, March 24, 2007

Fashion blogger's meetup in BERLIN ♥

The Stylescout and StilinBerlin are organizing another fashion blogger's meetup!!! This time I've cleared my agenda! I'll definitely will be there. The actual occasion of this meetup is an exhibition called "Catwalk takes to the streets" opening april 20th at the
CREATE BERLIN Showroom | Postfuhramt Berlin | Oranienburger Str. 35-36 | Auguststr. 5a | 10117 Berlin-Mitte | Just a couple of minutes from my friends flat ;-)
Both occasions are definitely worth a weekend trip to Berlin. I really hope to meet some fellow German fashion bloggers there (there aren't many out there!?)...

20. April 2007 >>> SAVE THE DATE!!!


Monday, March 19, 2007

Still there...

just quite busy and on the road at the moment. My internetconnection was also down today...
Please don't miss me! Tomorrow I'll visit two interessting exhibitions, meet an artist friend and will go shopping!!! Wish me luck. See you soon, M.

Credit: Sorry, I really don't have a clue where this picture comes from! Do you?

Friday, March 16, 2007

greek sandals

The_Kitten posted this photo of Lily Cole some days ago. I love the long leggins and the transparent shirt (nevertheless the huge headphones). But the shoes really caught my eye (and not for the first time!).
When I was younger I used to dance a lot and so I could remember easily where I'd seen shoes like that before. I browsed the internet for dance supply stores and found cute black leather "greek" sandals (also in large sizes!!!). They cost around 40 EUR...

Credit: The_Kitten | Moderniteter and

"blog" vs. "f&art"

Some weeks ago an anonymous reader was offended by my blogs title. Well actually I really don't care. Today Fashionologie wrote about Anna Wintour not liking the word "blog". I wonder what she'd thinkg about my "blog" called "f&art"? But whatever she'd thinkg I'm not going to change anything! Hey, do you know how the Editor in Chief of German Vogue looks like? Actually I really haven't got a clue...


When Philip met Isabella... the NRW-Forum Duesseldorf until April 9th. More Information. Philip Treacy may be one of the most famous hatmakers worldwide. At least one of the most artistic. Je made hats for Madonna, Boy George and Goldie Hawn. This is the video of the vernissage of the duesseldorf exhibition. If you don't understand german, there will at least be a lot to see ;-)


Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Issue No. 65 Out now!

A roundtable discussion on Romanticism, art, and melancholy with Felix Ensslin, Jörg Heiser, Juliane Rebentisch, André Rottmann and Jan Verwoert
THE REBEL AS CONSUMER / Myths of the artist, Romantic and/or contemporary
NARRATIVE EMOTIONS / The dramaturgy of strong feelings
A POSTCARD ADDRESSED TO THE SELF / On the legacy of feminism and surrealism
AMERICAN SURREALISM AS ASYLUM / Critique and glorification in goth and other shadowy movements


Credit: Texte zur Kunst

Monday, March 12, 2007

Kirsten Dunst... W Magazine. Yesterday there was Spiderman II on TV. Well this maybe isn't the best movie ever Kirsten Dunst starred in, but an opportunity to see Kirsten on TV. Another opportunity is this months W Magazine. Craig McDean took some lovely photos which can be viewed here. Unfortunately I haven't seen Marie Antoinette yet, although it started here 4 months ago. Guess I'll have to get the DVD soon.


I ♥ it

Friday, March 9, 2007

What to wear to a wedding ::: part 01

I got an invitations to a friends wedding in may. Today I start to think about what to wear. Suggestions are always welcome!!! I've interpreted the dresscode as "semi-formal daytime" so I'll go for a short dress or skirt and blouse and heels. Since my budget is quite limited first stop will be ZARA (fair prices and cuts, but also bad quality...).

I've found these stylings online and I already have a trenchcoat, so buying bag, dress and heels wouldn't be that expensive. I also liked both blouses. Especially the blue one. I love the cut an print...


Accessory Report: Balenciaga

I really really love these Balenciaga heels. They somehow remind me of Playmobil, Lego not to mention (Ice) Hockey
or American Football. I'm really looking forward on how these shoes will be worn in public and if the Olsen twins are going to replace their witch boots!?
See the whole accessory report here.


Thursday, March 8, 2007

Dance, See

I've seen a really good exhibtion at the Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen today. Dance, See is a project by young art students of the Siegen University. Combining art didactic and art historic elements the students worked out an exhbition on Dance as theme in fine arts.

In this revealing exhibition dance is explored from the fine arts perspective of the 1960's to present. Questions asked are: what impulses and ideas do the fine arts garner from dance? What are the specific interests that the fine-arts-artists pursue in this dialogue? At the same time, basic choreographic positions are included in the observation. The exhibition then traces the history of the seminal co-operations and mutual inspirations, but also of the parallel developments in performance and conceptual art and their mutual interest in general anthropological, cultural, and popular forces. Among the many different aspects followed up on in more or less detail are: the separation of dance movement from its traditional "cause", from music, and the resulting exploration into the motivation and coordination of movements; how the coordination in group dance can be decentralized; how the hierarchy in a stage setting is decentralized; the discovery that everyday movements contain symbolic meaning; the conquering of urban space through the movement found within it; the eradication of expression and narration with the accompanying ironic and multi-media-based reintroduction of narrative elements; the use of the camera as the immediate counterpart to a dancer and the development of experimental documentary forms of recording - next to the traditional form of dance notation; how experiments in movement produced fertile ground for minimalist sculpture and video installations. (press release)

Artists featured are Dave Allen/ Douglas Gordon/ Jonathan Monk, Eleanor Antin, Charles Atlas, Sven Augustijnen, Antonia Baehr, Samuel Beckett, Jerôme Bel, Andrea Bowers, Ulla von Brandenburg, Trisha Brown, Helen Chadwick, Merce Cunningham, Rineke Dijkstra, Simone Forti, Dan Graham, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Rebecca Horn, Jirí Kovanda, Mara Kurotscka, Yuri Leiderman, Auguste und Louis Lumière, Babette Mangolte, Bruce McLean, Eva Meyer / Eran Schaerf, Peter Moore, Robert Morris, Bruce Nauman, Adrian Piper, Yvonne Rainer, Robert Rauschenberg, Ulrike Rosenbach, Boy & Eric Stappaerts, Stelarc, Catherine Sullivan, Beate Terfloth, Peter Welz, Erwin Wurm.

After being launched in Siegen "Dance, See" will be presented in the Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo in Sevilla.


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Alexander McQueen aw 07

well. this somehow was quite chaotic? I wonder why the models didn't get confused walking on a pentagramm!? Anyway. I love the show, the holograms and everything. It was very artistic. Did we expect something else? Anyone know the music?
See the whole collection here (unfortunately the youtube video isn't complete!)

paris fashion week last but not least

John Galliano
I really enjoyed John Galliano's show. It was real theater. Especially Sasha Pivovarova's underlined puppet like appearence (as usual!). Enjoy the whole collection here.

It was a low key appointment only presentation... That means no runway and is something I would love to go to since it seems to be much more personal and you have the time to take a closer look. These four pieces caught my eye. Especially the volomunous coat.
See the whole collection here.

Miu Miu

Who's going to sport this exact styling first? Just like fashionologie is I'm totally attracted to this "Carditard" and the shoes she wrote about.

Collette Dinnigan

That's exactly how I survived this winter, Huge scarfs, light summer dresses and thick over the knee socks and somehow the people still asked "aren't you cold"? Yes, slightly but, who really cares if it looks good?
See the complete collection here


Jean Baudrillard...

...died today. The cultural theorist, philosopher, political commentator, and photographer died in Paris today after suffering illness. His work is frequently associated with postmodernism and post-structuralism. I'm really sad to hear about it since some friends of mine published a magazine on his "Simulacrum" thesis recently. He somehow was present the last couple of months and even (I hope I'm not wrong!) wrote an article for my friends magazine!? Well. we all are getting older and more and more (famous) people around us are dying... Uh that sounds quite sentimental, doesn't it?
Actually Baudrillard is still on my reading list. Read more about him here. He definitely is/was one of the most important theorists of our times and a must read for every deep fashion lover (who's interessted in why thing are the way they are or seem to be...).


Monday, March 5, 2007

how to make your own latex catsuit

Have you ever thought about making your own latex catsuit? I've found this instruction while googeling "latex catsuit". It's quite funny written... Please send me some picture of the procedure if you decide not to buy your latex leggins online (or are afraid to visit your local sex shop), but to make your own. Good look!

Credit: tacit

paris fashion week 06

Stelly McCartney
Ui. I'm up to date with the new sweat pants I bought on friday. So far only the heels are missing. But I'm working on that. Did you realise that shopooing shoes on is so much more efficient? more.

Haider Ackermann
As Diane Pernet mentioned earlier Haider Ackermanns collection was one of the "strongest" this season. I totally agree!
The last photo somehow reminded me of my latex session ;-) Yeah. You need help to pull them off especially when you need to be fast! Now I totally understand why things like this exist! Different story. See the whole Ackermann collection here.

Alexander McQueen
Sometimes I just haven't got much to say. "In a season when the agendas of fashion are finally being rewritten, all a professional audience really comes to Paris for is to witness brilliant designers working on modern cut for twenty-first-century life [...].

Giambattista Valli
Oh Kinga. I can totally understand! I didn't like the other stuff that much, but I would have kept the platform heels! Although I would be 2m tall if I'd wear them. In this case I wouldn't care... They somehow look comfortable. I love the yellow black combination, so much more interessting than red and black!
See the complete collection here.

Credit: | diane pernet