Sunday, March 4, 2007

hamburg part 03

There're so many things to do that I somehow don't have a minute to finish blogging about my hamburg trip, although there were many important and interessting things happening there. Day three started with an exhbition at the westwerk at an old factory located at admiralitätsstraße in the center or hamburg. See the whole documentation here.
After that I met Max who just has finished his internship at the Sammlung Falckenberg located at the Phownixhallen at Hamburg-Harburg (just across the street where Mohamed Atta had lived, which was quite scary indeed!). Well. The private collection of contemporary art by Harald Falckenberg is huge and very interessting. He built his own private museum sponsored by the Phoenix company who manufactures rubber (as part of continental). Max showes us around on a sunday afternoon. Normally you have to have an appointment to get inside, but we were free to walk around and see all the things we wanted to see. Special about this private museum are rooms which were designed by Jonathan Meese ♥ and Thomas Hirschhorn especially for the Flackenberg collection. The Meese room had once been lend to the Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt where I'd seen it a couple of years ago.
I was pretty much impressed by a huge Jon Kessler installation which included the specific space (Mohamed Attas neighbourhodd) into the work. Jon Kessler will be shown at Galerie Hans Mayer, Düsseldorf from end of april.
After spending nearly 4 hours at the Phoenix Hallen we had some coffee before we went to the Blockhouse to have dinner with Harald Falckenberg and his partner. He's a very kind person (helped me a lot with my master thesis!) and I'm glad that he will be teaching at my artschool next years (although I won't be there regulary since I'm graduating at the moment).

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