Wednesday, March 28, 2007

sometimes we all are just...

...romantic little ?%&/§)$s Anyway. I'm just a little confused that my mothers favourite movie is "Pride and Prejudice" based on Jane Austen's novel with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle. Do daughters come some much after their mothers? I could watch the newer version (2005) starring Keira Knightley and Matthew McFadyen over and over again. My boyfriend has left for a week so I can hang on the sofa eating chocolate and watch it over and over again...

wtf??? I just realised that the movie also has a NORTH AMERICAN ENDING??? Oh. I've always watched the British version and there's no kissing in the end! What a shame ;-) But as far as I remember there's no kissing in the book!? Actually I think the real "no kissing" end is much better!!! Let's keep it real. Noone ever kisses in Jane Austen's novels! It all happens in your head afterwards and that's what keeps it in your minds and lets you watch the movie over and over again ;-)

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