Sunday, March 4, 2007

the latex instruction

Hussein Chalayan
wasn't the only one who showed latex (?) leggins | stockings in his aw 2007 collection, as already mentioned before. You can see the whole collection here.
Today I pulled myself together and took some photos of me wearing my latex stockings (I prefer those to leggins, becaus since I'm really tall "normal" leggins are somehow short and more like 3/4 pants, which I don't like. Stockings also have the advantage that they have feet, which sometimes looks better than footless pants!), which I pretty much love but somehow never wear, because they're a little bit unpractical! As you can see in my pictures it is not easy to pull them on and later off again. Be sure you order a specifical powder which you put on your legs to pull the pants/stockings on easily (you shouldn't cream your legs and somehow - also if it's a little bit strange - it's better to pull them on without freshly shaved legs!!!). Don't be surprised that your pants aren't as shiny as seen in the pictures when you receive them. You'll need a special spray to spray on and rub into the pants to make them clean and shiny. Be sure to do that after pulling them on! Latex is very sensitive so take care of your pants/stockings by spraying them regulary otherwise the dry out and tend to break (!).
After pulling them off they leave a certain dry feeling on your skin, not sweaty as expected! They're best worn in spring or autumn time, because the heat up fast in summer, but aren't warming in winter! Don't ride a bike while wearing the pants (I did so!), it makes a strange noise and I always felt like "are the people staring at me????".


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