Saturday, March 31, 2007

FLUR ::: Carolin Jörg ::: opening soon

I'm hopelessly busy at the moment and very sorry that I'm not able to post in f&art more often these days. I'll launch a new website tomorrow conceirning my new independent exhibition place where on april 13th my first exhibition will open. Well it's not THAT special, but very new and very exciting for me, because I do EVERYTHING on my own. Writing Pressreleases, searching for graficdesigners, organize the flyerprinting, designing a new website etc.
The artist is the Stuttgart based Carolin Jörg who does mostly drawings and a lot of them on the fashion topic - another reason I got really interessted in her. This night I'm going to finish the press release and after my boyfriend translated it ino english (his english is much better than mine ;-) I'll post it on the new webpage and post the link here... So stay tuned for more information.
What do you think of the flyer's front. Vivienne Westwood, heh?

Credit: Carolin Jörg, from the Series "Jalouse", scanned by me

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