Monday, April 30, 2007

Hit by a dog...

I've been hit by a dog today. Can you imagine? It just knocked my feet off by accident (she was running after my dog and I somehow stood in the way...) and I fell like a stick (on cobblestone!!!). Wow that must have been a sight to behold ;-) Now I missed my french class and lie around at home whining. There definitely isn't anything brocken, just some grazes, but it f****** hurts believe me! I wouldn't mind so much if I there wasn't a running competition in three weeks I've already applyed for ;-( no running or racing bike riding for me the next couple of days... that really sucks!) Happy Walpurgis night by the way (without me I guess...).


Sunday, April 29, 2007


An international group of 16 design students transformed their views of contemporary living in a collection of thought-provoking objects, telling the story of Helsinki Hotel. The group is part of the Masters of Arts program at the University of Art and ­Design Helsinki (UIAH). They showed their perception of a hotel at the Milan Design Week (18.-23. APRIL 2007). If you missed their milan exhibition nevermind. Helsinki Hotel will re-open on the 4th of May at the Design Museum in ­Helsinki, being on view ­until May 27.

"Rise and sigh" by Martina Carpelan is a collection of revealing bed sheets that plays with incidents often taking place in hotels. Different sleeping positions give different imprints on the sleepers’ body. The imprints give you a hint about last night’s atmosphere, suggest you what to do and tell things about you.The Rise and sigh collection consists of three embroidered bed sets; for the bachelor, for the love affair and for the one night stand.

"Everyday Sunday" by Niina Aalto is a plastic cup holder, which customizes a plastic cup for different situations by creating an illusion of authenticity...

There're much more interessting designs to discover on Helsinki Hotel's website. There's much more to Helsinki than just hel-looks (which already is pretty cool!).


Saturday, April 28, 2007

numéro germany? ::: a rhetorical question

when exactly is numéro germany going to launch? Maybe never, I guess!? Not to say that there might not be the need for one of the best fashion magazines here!?

Credit: |

The H&M nightgown

I wanted this H&M dress the moment I saw it and was very glad to find it at H&M Friedrich straße on saturday. Since the weather was getting warmer and warmer I wore it on Sunday for visiting the "Catwalk takes to the streets" exhibition (again) where I met Mary and Ben who took a photo (well, what a surprise!).
Now I own one more dress which looks like a nightgown, but I love it worn with purple thights and black ballet flats, sandals and leggins or pure...

Friday, April 27, 2007

Berlin part 02 ::: Shopping

After having breakfast (with my friend Sabinah and her son) at café/bar Blaues Band (we actually went there every morning - Berlin is so f****** cheap!) at the Alte Schön hauser Allee we went shopping or at least looking at interessting stuff!!! First stop was the becks fashion experience store located at the other side of the street. Between March 29th and May 31st they show (in the former rooms of pro-qm bookstore which has moved!) many upcoming fashion designers like Marie-Louise Vogt (I've written about her earlier), q_e.d. und Tobias Bodio. Around the Alte Schönhauser Allee are many interessting shops. Next stop was FilippaK (they are very friendly et the Berlin store!) where I fell in love with a long brownish sleek somehow greek style dress which I planned to wear in my ex-boyfriends wedding next month, but then it somehow didn't look appropriate enough since he's an economist and all his friends and his future wife too and I don't want to look displaced in any way - just too sad! Well, that's another story.
At American Apparel I had to buy a scarf since it was much colder in Berlin than back home in Heidelberg (a fact I usually forget!). Andreas Murkudis is perfect for looking and making shopping lists for better times (thought in salary terms!). The Mitte shopping/looking tour ended at pro-qm where I bought all the magazines mentioned here.
Later that day we walked to Friedrichstraße where I bought a H&M dress I always wanted to have you can see me wearing it here. Berlin means a lot of walking (and taxi driving ;-)

Cory Kennedy... someone who isn't famous in Germany at all. I got to know her from the stuff she did for NYLON TV and somehow didn't like her at first. I guess I simply had to get used to her lame behaviour - meant as said. She is slow and somehow dazed (&confused ;-) but in a likeable way and her style is totally fantastic! Patricia from bobble.bee posted this picture earlier. I felt inspired to browse through Cory's Blog and stumbled upon (do I use this phrase too often?) some great pictures.

You are German and want to know who the f*** Cory Kennedy is? Please check out what Julia Fell wrote about her at münchner nachtagenten.


Thursday, April 26, 2007

Francesca Versace ::: can a model ruin a dress?

Today I found a post on Francesca Versace at Patricia's blog called Bobble Bee where she features an editorial in the latest Lula Magazine issue showing F. Versace's designs. I totally love the pink dress, although pink doesn't suit me at all. While searching for more pictures I stumbled upon a catwalk shot of this exact dress on tfs. Absolutely awful! It's so obvious that not every model can wear every dress (it's kind of "normal" isn't it?). This is a dress you definitely have to be totally skinny for, so I simply do not understand why this model isn't!? (a phenomenon which also exists the other way round. Models that are far too skinny for the desigsn - which can be seen in H. Frederiksson's spring collection, featured in shinysquirell. nice stuff, too skinny models!

Credit: |

ZING ::: makeup art

Sometimes I find something interessting on the internet and post something about it without knowing what it is exactly.
Before I left for Berlin I found this Video somewhere on youtube and had to post it, because I think it's absolutely beautiful!
While doing a little research about it I found out, that this video is part of a collaboration project (which also includes four more videos!) between hong kong based (?) make up artist ZING and the fashion "powerhouse" Lane Crawford.

Makeup is something I'm not so much into personally. I only use a daily natural makeup and sometimes nothing at all! Maybe some lipgloss, powder, rouge, mascara that's it (eyeshadow on special occasions). But I love it when people really get crazy about make up and do weired things to faces... I would really love to be used as a face in that case ♥
Do you remember this make up dolls little girls were able to learn how to use makeup?

Please visit ZING's website for further information and view all videos here


Coloured Latex ::: UK Vogue May 2007

Noone really expected me wearing latex at the bloggers meetup in berlin last friday although several people asked me about it and I had to confess that I really was thinking about wearing some (that sounds as if my closet is filled with all kinds of latex stuff - it isn't, btw!). Robert and Luisa (aka style scout pointed out that there is another latex editorial in this month's UK Vogue. Thank tfs it's no problem to see it (I actually went straight to the newsstand the next morning, because I was so curious...). The model is Lara Stone photographed by Mario Testino.
Please visit tfs for the whole spread.

Credit: sethii at tfs

Purple Fashion Magazine ::: and others

Whenever I'm in Berlin (I love pro-qm - the best book store ever!!!) or have to spend some time in a major railwaystation I spend money on magazines. Nowadays I'm pretty broke (well that's no news), so this time I couldn't purchase as much is I actually planned (Lucky me that there're so many great online magazines...).
This time I bought the Summer 2007 edition of Purple Fashion Magazine which is only published twice a year so its price of 16 EUR seems appropriate. See me flipping through it here.
And then I bought - for the first time ever - The Mode Depesche which is a quite interessting fashion magazine made in Cologne, which I found via produzentin.
Last but not least ;-) uselessmagazine. Unfortunately not the current edition but No. 4 will give me an impression on what it's all about.

See me flipping through Purple Fashion Magazine here

Berlin part 01 ::: Catwalk takes to the Streets

I'm back, finally. ..
After spending several hours on german autobahns on friday me and my boyfriend arrived in berlin and went directly to the opening of the style scouts and stil in berlins show at the create berlin showroom which is located at the "Postfuhramt" (please enter from Oranienburger Straße!). The show is on until may 8th and definitely woth a visit if you're into streetstyle photography (which I guess you are!?).
I was very very pleased to meet Robert and Luisa aka the style scout and mary and ben aka stil in berlin. Please view Mary and Ben answering the style scout's six questions here. The show was organized by Natasha Binar (who is a very nice person. I was really glad to meet her!) the owner of Nomad agency. “I love the blog and The Style Scouts bring so much energy to their work,” said Natasha in newswire today, “I am delighted to be able to bring a fun exhibition of affordable London art to Berlin.” (The photographs are also for sale for a quite affordable rate...)
And finally there also was Panos from modabot who runs a news agency for avantgarde fashion located at berlin. We met again on monday where he explained me more about the things he's doing. Definitely a platform we will hear of in the near future!!!
“I feel the time is right ...” said Natasha in newswire today. I feel it too! I'm really excited! There're so many things developing in Germany right now... Let's see what the near future will bring!

photos: create berlin showroom | Luisa and Robert aka StyleScout, Mary aka Stil in Berlin | Mary and Ben aka Stil in Berlin, Natasha | Panos from modabot

Friday, April 20, 2007

Auf Wiedersehen...

I'm on my way to Berlin where I'll meet The style scout, stil in berlin and many other bloggers. Besides that I'll meet a lot of friends, visit a lot of exhibitions, will go shopping and will hang around in cafés. Jealous? Sorry, the last couple of week had been stressful! I need a rest...

See you on tuesday ♥


Thursday, April 19, 2007

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

It's three...

o clock in the morning and I'm still sitting here in front of my laptop. Actually I have work to do, which has to be finished in about 6 hours. I'm so lame and addicted to blogging sometimes ;-(

Berlin at artkrush

Many many (creative) people move to Berlin for the cheap rent and experimental ambience. Artkrush checked out the people and places energizing the scene - especially Berlin's alternative art spaces... I was happy to read that they reviewed most of the things I also planned to see - including Leipzig, where I will see an exhibition on identity and fashion magazines (Well. Very similar to Carolin's exhibition at my FLUR) at HGB's gallery.


f&art on modabot

Yesterday F&ART was mentioned at modabot - which is a news agency located at berlin specialized on fashion - in a post concerning German fashion blogs. Couriously there don't seem to exist so many. modabot posted a provisionale list of all fashion blogs located in Germany and/or written by Germans or in German. Among those was F&ART "der Kunstwissenschaftlerin und Galeristin Mahret Kupka ist derzeit eines der interessantesten deutschen Modeblogs, dem eine Mischung aus halb ironischem, halb ernstgemeintem Modekonsumismus und künstlerischem Anspruch gelingt." [Please use babelfish for translations...]
Well. That sounds supportive! Thank you! I'm really looking forward to friday... The picture shows Mary and Benjamin from stil in berlin.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

boris hoppek at heliumcowboy artspace

Sometimes I'm a little bit slow - and sometimes it has to do with the fact that I haven't got a TV.
The new Opel Corsa has a campaign supported by the c.m.o.n.s (a "knitted" rockband ;-) running for quite some time now and everytime I saw it I thought 'well, I somehow know this dolls'...
Actually they are made by the German artist Boris Hoppek who is now living in Barcelona, Spain and who's work is now shown at the heliumcowboy artspace in Hamburg, Germany until May 25th.

Do you also want to see a little movie? (Boris Hoppek hitting his doll...)


Little Miss Luzifer

I love these spring afternoons, where one can hang around in the sun, meet nice people and get hints on new stuff to check. Kate from Bourgeoise Pig just introduced me to the work of Diana Dart who has been making dolls since she was five years old. At the age of eight, she sent portrait dolls to Boy George and Adam Ant, but never received a reply - which is really sad though ;-( According to some critics, Miss darts pieces are "dark and disturbing". This view, however, is not shared by the artist herself: "My dolls are little creatures that take drugs, have sex and suffer from depressing. Despite all this, they always look absolutely adorable." I absolutely agree!
Please check out Little Miss Luzifer's website .

They somehow look like Fifi Lapin's lost brothers and sisters...



I haven't posted pictures of the Carolin Jörg exhibition yet. FLUR actually isn't really big maybe 10m² (I had to build a wall so it's a "closed" room. Now you have to enter the flat trough the kitchen, which is alright). There I show Carlin's drawings and a DVD with animated drawings. In the living room I show some works in addition. These aren't a part of the exhibition, but I wanted to show some more stuff in case the visitor is interessted and wants to see more. The last pictures shows so called stitching sets which remind very much of Carolin's actual wall stiching works - I'll post about them later. Now I have to do some "real" work to earn some money. The holidays are over now and school starts this week ;-(

Monday, April 16, 2007

Look who the Style Scout met today ;-)

Iekeliene is ass kicking hot and currently in London. Well actually she isn't really hot (not in a 100 sexiest women alive "GQ" way), she's speciall, different, individual, simply herself (I guess ;-) and that's what I like about her.

Credit: the style scout and the face hunter

The H&M Tent dress

Do you remember this H&M tunic dress? I love mine but somehow never wear it, since so many people asked me if I was pregnant (sometimes I hate Heidelberg!). I searched my hard disk (I have a folder there called "Trendspotting" where I simply save everything I see and like and hope to get some inspiration from later!) and found some stylings of this exact dress and would love to share those with you. First there's Olivia of Moderniteter wearing it with black leggins and flats. Second there's Amanda of Moderniteter sporting the dress with overknee stockings, heels and a cropped denim jacket. The third picture shows Mettchen (you probably know here from the fashion spot?) wearing the dress with skinny jeans and flats.
I really love the last styling shown on The Sartorialist a couple opf weeks ago. That's the styling I will go for. Brown leather boots, no tights (it's really hot over here right now!) and simply the dress, that's all. It looks really mature and since I'm not THAT young anymore ;-)

Credit: Mettchen, Moderniteter, The Sartorialist

Am I obsessed with latex?

As already mentioned before I love to look at my blog's statistics, since there's always somebody new and interessting coming to see my blog.
Today I discovered Vogue Australia's Forum and some ladies discussing and F&ART. freedom_poptop describes myself as "latex obsessed". Hhm. This comment made me think about obsession in general. What exactly is an obsession? a type of psychic disorder supposedly induced by the influence of an evil spirit!? Well... I'm really not sure WHAT I'm trying to say, maybe just that I will write more about something else in future - F&ART actually isn't a latex-blog! But have you seen those?

I love Vogue Australia's may cover, btw.


Carolin Jörg at Art Brussels 2007

Carolin's gallery Galerie Sturm, Stuttgart will show (and sell!) her work at Art Brussels this year. Their boot has the number 11B-11S. Be sure to have a look at her stuff if you'll be in Brussels (I won't, by the way...) between april 20th and 23th.

Credit: Galerie Sturm

Making of THE FLUR part 03 ::: THE OPENING

The opening of the flur has been a huge success!!! I thank all my passionate readers for their support. I really needed it, but at last it all turned out to be really great! Carolin’s exhibition at my hall ("FLUR" in German) has a history which I will tell in another post...
On Thursday I had a little press conference for the local newspaper and radio. Two very kind women – whom I already knew from my work at the Heidelberger Kunstverein - came and wrote some nice articels which have been published on Friday – the day of my opening which finally attracted around 50 people (and my flat is realy small!) and many people I didn’t know (besides some of my friends, my family, my boyfriend’s parents and the artist’s boyfriend and parents!).
I served beer (Eiszäpfle), Bionade (do you know that non alcoholic drink abroads?) and later some sparkling wine and Bolte from Bourgeois Pig (a really nice gallery, design shop, concept store thing just around the corner) spun records (some jazzy stuff, very excellent).
The Vernissage lasted until 2am, which is really a long time for an exhibition opening!!! The people enjoyed the private atmosphere and stayed. I'll upload the radio spot, newspaper article and some more pictures on FLUR later this day. I'd alslo love to thank susie bubble, flypaper, life in a venti cup and milkshake chocolate for their journalistic support ♥