Friday, April 13, 2007

Making of THE FLUR part 02

There's my first opening tonight and I'm totally stressed out. There still are so many things to do and it's always weired to see that in situations one needs at least emotional support (not to mention "real" support) all your "friends" call and tell you that they couldn't come, because of this and that (all kinds of f****** stuff I'm totally not interessted in - at least for tonight - some good reaons and some not so good ones!) The world's coming in to look at what I've done and I'm standing there alone, as tiny as I can be and nobody is there to give support. And there would habe been some people I really counted on.
Well... That was a little bit personal and I guess that's just the way it is - and I hope not only in my case!? There's no time to droop, as mentioned before, there're still so many things to do and this opening is going to be great also without some of my "friends".

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