Friday, April 27, 2007

Berlin part 02 ::: Shopping

After having breakfast (with my friend Sabinah and her son) at café/bar Blaues Band (we actually went there every morning - Berlin is so f****** cheap!) at the Alte Schön hauser Allee we went shopping or at least looking at interessting stuff!!! First stop was the becks fashion experience store located at the other side of the street. Between March 29th and May 31st they show (in the former rooms of pro-qm bookstore which has moved!) many upcoming fashion designers like Marie-Louise Vogt (I've written about her earlier), q_e.d. und Tobias Bodio. Around the Alte Schönhauser Allee are many interessting shops. Next stop was FilippaK (they are very friendly et the Berlin store!) where I fell in love with a long brownish sleek somehow greek style dress which I planned to wear in my ex-boyfriends wedding next month, but then it somehow didn't look appropriate enough since he's an economist and all his friends and his future wife too and I don't want to look displaced in any way - just too sad! Well, that's another story.
At American Apparel I had to buy a scarf since it was much colder in Berlin than back home in Heidelberg (a fact I usually forget!). Andreas Murkudis is perfect for looking and making shopping lists for better times (thought in salary terms!). The Mitte shopping/looking tour ended at pro-qm where I bought all the magazines mentioned here.
Later that day we walked to Friedrichstraße where I bought a H&M dress I always wanted to have you can see me wearing it here. Berlin means a lot of walking (and taxi driving ;-)

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