Thursday, April 5, 2007

It feels good having fans ♥

and Like Ra is one of them. For some of you it might be strange to dwell on the "dark side" sometimes. For me it isn't. I'm not really into "this" kind of stuff, but I absolutely accept the fact that some people do some things I wouldn't (assumed it is legal and doesn't harm someone!). I'm curious and love to test new things so riding a bike in latex pants - for example - is something I had to check out ;-) or simply walk around in 4inch heels on cobblestone (beeing 5.11'' gave it some extra drama!). Fashion has always to do with trying out new things and that's what makes it special and never boring. I've never been to a sex shop but I went into one to by latex powder and spray - totally new experience and all for the sake of fashion!
Like Ra - by the way - has a very nice blog concerning topics like fashion, latex and lycra. Definitely a place you should visit more often if you're into including some "dark" stuff into your daily wardrobe!

Credit: I haven't got a clue where I got these pictures from. Do you?

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