Wednesday, April 18, 2007

f&art on modabot

Yesterday F&ART was mentioned at modabot - which is a news agency located at berlin specialized on fashion - in a post concerning German fashion blogs. Couriously there don't seem to exist so many. modabot posted a provisionale list of all fashion blogs located in Germany and/or written by Germans or in German. Among those was F&ART "der Kunstwissenschaftlerin und Galeristin Mahret Kupka ist derzeit eines der interessantesten deutschen Modeblogs, dem eine Mischung aus halb ironischem, halb ernstgemeintem Modekonsumismus und künstlerischem Anspruch gelingt." [Please use babelfish for translations...]
Well. That sounds supportive! Thank you! I'm really looking forward to friday... The picture shows Mary and Benjamin from stil in berlin.


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