Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Besides my exhibition preparations I always find time to do some imaginary shopping (since all my money is spend on art at the moment...). Via iqons.com I discovered polyvore.com today which is a lot of fun. There you can put styles together using images from major online shops and you can even upload new images!!!
"The shoe" is the first set I created. A style I would definitely go for if I (1) had the money (2) wouldn't live where I live and (3).. guess that's it! "The shoe" (Balenciaga aw 2007) isn't really easy to combine. I couldn't find a larger bag (would have preferred the medium Chanel Paris-Biarritz posted here) and have no idea on how to wear the hair. Maybe in a knot or loose as seen on runway? Maybe I'll go for something more "realistic" tomorrow!?

Credit: polyvore.com

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