Tuesday, August 14, 2007

myspace ::: sputnik

01Credit: sputnik

Very inspiring space by 28 years old Luis Otero aka sputnik from Colombia. Myspace is a nice invention but it definitely isn't easy to get attention (which some of the contributions really deserve!). By posting the pages I stumble upon I hope to put at least some light on the myspace chaos...
The other day I presented you the space of San Francisco based photographer charley, today it's a filmmaker who loves to take photos of his friends (and they are really good...):

06Credit: sputnik

Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Luis Otero. I’m 28 years old and I’m a filmaker. Three years ago I founded a film company called Palo Alto films. Our first film, Al Final del Espectro (At the end of the Spectra), was a total success in Colombia. The film will also be remake, produced and starred by Nicole Kidman. It will also be directed by my best friend and partner, J.F. Orozco, who directed the original version.

I also write and develop new screenplays and work in television as a director of photography. Right now I’m directing the photography for a tv series called Tiempo Final (Final Time), for Fox LA.

But, who I am?? That’s confusing. I really wish to produce art and live of it. (Thou, I don't know what art is at all!!), but I really need to express someting through my photos and drawings.
I’m not really in touch with the so called artistic world, with the local scene at least. Like I said, I'm in the film bussiness and that means solving a lot of issues that has nothing to do with art: technical, financial, etc. So I plan to dedicate more time to my art, my photos and maybe someday drop the film bussines apart just to dedicate full time to creativity, love and peace.

02Credit: sputnik

Where do you live?

Right now i'm living in Bogota, Colombia. I share an apartment with my partners from Palo Alto Films. And it’s actually like living in a film company. All the time we are writing screenplays, sending them to our N.Y. and Hollywood contacts, planing pitching travels, etc. I love this apartment. Last year we moved so much because of the job (I never spent more than six months in a single place) that it would be a shame to leave this one. I miss having my own space to take photographs, like an studio or something.

09 Credit: sputnik

What do you use myspace for?

That's the big question!!! I’ve spent my last 3 years posting pictures and shortfilms in myspace as somekind of virtual exposition because I’ve never been part of a real one in the real life. I have to admit thou I don't like myspace at all. In fact is boring. This interview is the most and only estimulating thing that has happened to me in years [thank you ;-)]. I’m sick and tired of the hey sexy thing and all the teenage crap.

On the other hand, and to be honest, I hope that myspace will help me to capture the attention of people in other countries that might feel appealed to my work. For instance, I love publishing houses (I studied journalism before I made films) and I’ve always loved magazines. I hope that some of this people will get hooked up with my work. My photography doesn’t match with the Colombian criteria in this area, we only have a very few magazines in here and most of them are only dedicated to models and jet-set, that's not my interest, I’m more into in music bands, great influencial and intelectual personalities, actors, writers, directors, musicians, one of my greatest dreams is to make photos for the album cover of a band. The closest I came was to make some pictures for the Rolling Stone Magazine Colombia.

Thanks to myspace I received an invitation to Tokio to take photographs. For a Colombian man who isn’t rich that’s a dream!!! But I have to wait and finish some film issues before I go. I'm working with the team of Palo Alto to reach the budget for my first feature film as a director: Rage!!!

08 Credit: sputnik

Where do all the pictures/videos on your site come from?

All images in my myspace come from for me. The pictures were taken by me: personal friends and people I know. There’s no professional model in the photos. They all are musicians, sociologist, designers, students. Some of them doesn’t even have a job. That’s the ilusion on the pictures. As Ansel Adams said: “All fashion photos are the same, all are a liar”.
The trailer of the film Al Final del Espectro is propierty of Palo Alto Films, y do the direction of photography for the film, in a begining as a parther of the movie i was interested to hire some director of photography from E.U. or mexico with more expreience in films, but we don't have budget, so, at last, i do the cinematography, that was my first time with a profesional team and cameras (before that i just made 16mm shortfilms and mini dv experimental videos "home made" some of them are in the myspace page).

Is this you in your icon?


10 copy Credit: sputnik

Related links:
Luis' flickr account
the passengers book
imdb profile

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