Sunday, August 26, 2007


01 Credit: alex&chloe

As you might already know I’m not a fan of jewelry at all. I rarely wear necklaces (only if they are really huge and chunky), bangels, rings, earrings, etc. That might also be a reason why I hardly post about jewelry. But from time to time I stumble upon stuff that catches my eye. Katharina of the german fashion blog pudri (I sometimes post there aswell) is a huge fan of necklaces by the US Desing team Alex + Chloe. Unfortunaltey she lost one of her beloved ones on a Berlin trip…

Anyway. They design braclets and necklaces I consider wearing. They are funny, cool, interessting, loveable and really not THAT expensive.

03 Credit: alex&chloe

Alex & Chloe create unique accessories that merge the appreciation for couture with a contemporary, minimal aesthetic. Using precious metals and jewels contrasted with iconographic objects in acrylic and metal, their accessories effortlessly make a statement that is sometimes intelligent, beautiful, bold, humorous, eclectic, and always wearable. Alex & Chloe have been gaining popularity since their debut collection, “Shadow and Light,” and their follow-up collection, “From Our Neck of the Woods,” and have developed a dedicated following amongst the local and international fashion scene. They are known for their originality and references to popular fashion icons such as their “Coco is Dead” pieces and “Kate (the only “Moss” in our woods)” necklace. Alex & Chloe promise to continue creating exclusive accessories and have plans to expand their collection to include such things as fine jewelry, leather goods, and even clothing.“ (Brand Profile)

Just take a look

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