Saturday, August 4, 2007

bfw 08 ::: fashion and art, again...

You might have already noticed that modabot is one of my important sources for news on (german) avantgarde fashion. I was lucky to meet Panos, one of the guys behind modabot, in march. We started a tiny little collaboration and I had the possibility to write something for modabot, on bäng! the art exhibition which was part of the ideal-project. I've already written something about in f&art which can be found here.

My articel is now online for you to read. Unfortunately it is in German and I don't have the time right now to translate it. But websites like babelfish will help you out, in case you are interessted!

Another fashion and art project besides the exhibition bäng! was the so called projekt galerie showroom. One of the founders Alban Adam was interviewed by modabot. I think it's an interessting approach in connection fashion and art. Unfortunatley I couldn't see it my own. But hopefully next time. The interview is definitely worth to see, just click the above image...

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