Wednesday, August 29, 2007

You name it...

I've been awarded "Rockin' Girl Blogger" twice, guess that means I really f***ing rock!? Whatever...

Many thanks to beloved Jennine from the coveted and Amber of painfully hip.

I would love to pass on this award to Asudem Latex of doll's realm for keeping me updated on topics of the world of dolls and latex. I once reviewd her blog here. Since then I check back every now and then to get inspiration, see the latest fashion spreads including latex or simply feel amused by latex fetishism ♥
To Patricia of bobble bee for loving so many things I love aswell. And for doing so many fantastic things, like running a cool online magazine and stuff... Guess we really have to meet sometime!
To Alix of cherry blossom girl for introducing me to her blog today. It was love at first sight, wow ♥ (she keeps me learning french!!!)
To bored and beautiful written by Danielle who keeps me informed about new stylish young - often German - fashion designers and who keeps me reserving my first real (!) pay check for spending it on styleserver (already got one dress there...).

And there are many many more I'd love to award. But, most of them have already been awarded... Please ladies, keep up the good work ;-)

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