Friday, August 10, 2007



You might have alreay noticed that I went to art school. To the State School of art and design Karlsruhe to be exact, which is quite a good school. The so called HfG (short fort he German „Hochschule für Gestaltung“ – which literally means „University for Designing“) Karlsruhe has at least two Magazines published by students (graphic designers as well as theory students).

One of those ist the biannually released „Munitionsfabrik“ (written in German). The current issue (No. 18) is on „Art and Life“. What kind of connections can be made between those two aspects especially in this year’s art hype (documenta 12, biennale venezia and skultur projekte münster)? Is there an aestheticisation of public life a new order of the profane? What about art and consume? These questions aren’t new, but consistently interessting to talk about. The partly very different texts give controversial answers and avoid an concluding positioning.

Autors are (besides students of the HfG Karlsruhe): Wolfgang Ullrich (teaching art theory at the HfG Karlsruhe), Thomas Macho (teaching at the HU Berlin), Christian Nagel (Berlin based gallerist), Jörg Heiser (publisher of Frieze Art Magazine) und Gregor Jansen (curator at the MNK Karlsruhe) amongst others.

I contributed an article called „Leben mit Kunst“ („live/life with art“) on exhibiting in private places, something concerning the difference between public and private. I’ve uploaded it here for you to read (sorry only German!) or just click the image below.

If your German isn’t that bad und you’re interessted in reading the current munitionsfabrik don’t hesitate to order your copy via munitionsfabrik [at] (it’s only 8 EUR + s&h).


And there’s another student’s publication at the HfG Karlsruhe, called Displayer (partly German, partly English). Published by students of curatorial practice (that was my minor!). Displayer is – well – mostly on displaying, like curatorial practice, making exhibitions…

The first issue is on historically important exhibitions and some interessting contemporary projects concerning curatorial studies like spike island in Bristol ort he 4. berlin biennale (which took part last year).

Some of the important exhibitions are „This is tomorrow“, „Leben mit Pop“, „Information“, „Art into society, society into art“ and „Von hier aus“ (my contribution!). Most of the articles actually are interviews, with such famous people like Kasper König, René Block, Adrian Piper, Hans Haacke, Ute Meta Bauer, Axel John Wieder and Tobias Rehberger.

The first issue was published in april 2007, next one will be released this autumn (on collection’s presentations). You can order your copy via displayer [at] (12 EUR + s&h) or simply contact me (I still have some copies here) or simply download particular articles or he whole magazine here.


Last but not least another art school’s publication called AM (short for „Akademische Mitteilungen“) by student’s of the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design. „AM12 – The Five Senses“ is the current twelfth issue.

AM is a series of publications which offer graphic design students at Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design the opportunity to independently conceive, design and publish a magazine. Attended by Professor Hans-Georg Pospischil, the latest issue titled „The Five Senses“ has been published by Andrea Appenzeller and Daniela Steidle, students in their 10th and 11th semester.


They have asked architects, photographers, illustrators, artists, light designers, fashion designers, philosophers, psychologists, sound designers or synaesthetic people to express themselves on the question of perception.


The Website
seems to be an essential part of the magazine, so AM12 is not only to open the eyes, hence, it also offers elaborate print technologies like paper change, coinage and lacquering, besides video and sound at their website.

Copies of the magazine can be ordered via for 12 Euros (+ s&h).
I totally recommend that. And take a look at the fashion label

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