Friday, June 22, 2007

hang's art

Today Kate and I (well I seem to do a lot of things with kate lately ♥) went to the Kunst- akademie in Karlsruhe to meet Hang (the one who sew my dress to impress! She used to study fashion design) at her atelier.

Hang has an exhibition in about three weeks and slowly gets really excited about it. So we helped her to get some inspiration on how to arrange her stuff. She lended two major display tables from the landesmuseum to exhibit her art on. She draws lines on tranparent paper and tryes to form scultures out of them. Basicly she's trying to draw threedimensional. It's really amazing and my pictures don't do her work justice!

If you're around you should definitely visit the Kunstakademie's Rundgang 12th - 15th of July (or be there for the opening on wednesday 11th, 7 pm, so will I, since I'll be leaving to Berlin Fashion Week the day after) to see what Kate and I advised Hang to do. WE ARE GENIUS' ♥

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