Monday, June 11, 2007

basel 2007

The basel week starts tomorrow (well, I'll be in Basel for the weekend). Besides art basel there're always plenty of things to see. So take your time ;-)
Other (smaller) art fairs taking place this week are scope, liste and voltashow which will be most interessting for those of you who are interessted in young emerging art and not so much the high art stuff shown at art basel.

Basel is very art focussed this week so every art institution will try to attract the art crowd. I tried to make a list of things you shouldn't miss while beeing in Basel (parties not included - other suggestions are always welcome - mahret [at]
And I've always wanted to visit the schaulager and so should you. Basel is very beautiful, so simply hang around and see what's there. And watch out for The Sartorialist - he's also going to be there to shoot you ;-)

Credit: heliumcowboy artspace at scope and The Sartorialist in milan and christoph lamber at galerie daeppen

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