Wednesday, June 6, 2007

American Apparel in Heidelberg

Believe it or not. Guess who's coming to tiny little crappy boring (but absolutely beautiful) Heidelberg!? Yes. We are getting our own American Apparel store - and it's probably the first store in a smaller german city (not like Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne, Stuttgart etc.). YEAH!

I'm so excited! They're still looking for (all kinds of) staff (store manager, fulltime and partime shop assistants etc.) and if it would have been last year I would have applied, but not today ;-( Well. From July on Heidelberg will face cool (quite) cheap styles and all the stylish Heidelbergers (Hello, where are you?) won't have to travel to Stuttgart or Frankfurt any longer...

Sorry it was already dark, so I couldn't make proper pictures, but we'll get an idea of it - actually it's not going to be a very tiny shop...
I guess places are always getting cooler when I leave? What shop will open next? ZARA? And what would you think about beeing able to buy Cheap Monday stuff in Heidelberg? That would be great wouldn't it?

Credit: photos taken by me at the Heidelberger Hauptstraße

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