Saturday, June 30, 2007

susan bijl bags

probably you remenber my post on susan bijl's bags a couple of months ago? Kate is selling them in her shop now. All the guys hate them all the ladies love them (actually a guy bought one for his girlfriend today!).

I haven't bought mine yet but helped to arrange them in the window.
They come in different colour combinations and two sizes. The smaller ones are 18 EUR and the large ones 23 EUR. The really cool combinations are nearly sold out - new stuff coming soon, I guess!

Please let me know if you're interessted... By the way Kate's shop is the only shop in Germany (besides Thomas I-Punkt in Hamburg) who's selling those bags!

susan bijl
bourgeois pig (no webshop!)


...readers (well, unique visitors!!!) in june 2007. Thank you! please keep on reading and tell all your friends. It can only get better...

IN THE FUTURE I PROBABLY WILL BE FAMOUS (at least for 15 minutes) ♥

Credit: any idea?

la biennale ::: part 03

Deutsche Bank is amongst the sponsors of the German Pavillon. It is really nice of them to put a video made by Paul Frenz-St. Leger(?) on their website. Please click the image below to see Isa Genzken's work at the Venice Biennale.

art unlimited

Thursday, June 28, 2007

jean-baptiste mondino

cory kennedy
is in paris right now for a photo- shoot with jean-baptiste mondino. I really can't wait to see what they came up with.

I'd really love to be professionally photographed once (well actually I've already been, but that's another story...).

Credit: jean-baptiste mondino

black and white

la femme and pudri asked a couple of days ago if it's possible to wear white trainiers (jazz shoes, keds, whatever) on black teights. I'd totally say YES YES YES!

am_lul and amanda show how it has to be done and I try my very best. Actually I hate posting pictures of myself like that, guess I need a professional photographer soon ;-)

Shoes are from H&M, regular black teights, Tunica from Mango, Coat by Patrizia Pepe (yes I wear this coat in winter, you wouldn't believe how cold it is here - hey it's summer!!!!).

Credit: am_lul | moderniteter

i love sasha

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

terence koh and beyonce in balenciaga

Well that's no real news, but...
I love those balenciaga leggins and I'm really happy to read that they don't cost a 100.000EUR but only around 18.000 EUR, what a bargain!!! But I guess they really are worth it.

The canadian artist Terence Koh (now living in New York) wore them to one of his performances. You can view the documentation here. Or look at some photos of another performance at de Pury & Luxembourg gallery, Zurich here.

And Beyonce? Well she wore her pair here. Probably not really flattering in her case!? Please Beyonce give them to me, sister! You'll never wear them again, anyway or shouldn't at least! Or probably you simply give us a totally different idea on wearing those fantastic pants. What did Nicolas say? Well wish I had your six pack, I mean you have a killer body, but I prefer my thighs. I already have so many plans with those leggins...

PS: Paris Hilton is out of prison, by the way. A fact that's not worth a blog entry, so I just wanted to mention it, in case you thought I wasn't interessted...

Credit: |

look of the day

I love the colours of the skirt - guess it's a skirt she's wearing as dress. Love that she's wearing it over a shirt. Love that the leggins AND the scarf AND the belt-thing are black. Love the black head-band. Love the glasses and love that her shoes are brown.


barbara meier

I wrote about Barbara Meier winning heidi klum's germany's next topmodel contest a couple of weeks ago.

Today I've checked out img's website to see if they've already uploaded some of her pictures... I have to admit that I'm quite impressed! Barbara looks really good and professional. Her red hair is just incredible.

There're are many more pictures on img's website.

Please also be sure to take a look at the germany's second new topmodel Hana Nitsche who is said to be living in Heidelberg (well I've never seen her around...). She actually was everybodys favourite.

Barbara somehow managed to put herself on first place without anyone noticing - how smart of the aspiring mathematician (well I guess she's going to take a break from university!). I liked Hana a lot, but I think that she looks even more "normal" than Barbara does. Hana will definitely never be seen on Paris' catwalks or real "artsy fartsy" fashion spreads, Barbara probably will. I'd really love to work with her - I wish you luck ♥


get insane with hedi slimane

artists as curators, curators as artists - that's no news to us. now we face the new (well not really THAT new in this case!) designers als curators thing. I can't wait to see what happens when curators start to design (am I going to be the first one? Do there already excist designing curators?). Anyway...

If you are in Berlin for the weekend you should definitely try to go to Hedi's 032c party. I'm not going to be there, well I've got "better" things to do, like learning for my oral exams next week, p. e. It starts saturday night June 30th and it's INVITATION ONLY, but wait I wouldn't be your favourite blogger (?) if I wouldn't tell you how to get your hands on one of the invitations (valid for two!). Please send an email to office[at] and hope to be randomly selected (10 invitations will be drawn and mailed out!)

Well if you aren't one of the chosen ones you could simply visit Hedi at Arndt&Partner Gallery where he'll attend (hope so!) the opening of the group exhibition SWEET BIRD OF YOUTH curated by him. Featuring artists like Slater Bradley, Dan Colen, Gardar E Einarsson, Johannes Kahrs, Terence Koh, Douglas Kolk, Nate Lowman, Ryan McGinley, Paul P., Matt Saunders,
Steven Shearer, Hedi Slimane, Dash Snow. Opening: Saturday, 30 June, 6 to 10pm. Until 31 August 2007, Arndt + Partner, Zimmerstr.90-01, Berlin Mitte.

Well well well. And there's even more HEDI for the weekend!
F SYSTEM - A presentation of a furniture system by Hedi Slimane. Opening: Friday, 29 June, 7pm. Until 18 August 2007, Clemens Tissi, Potsdamer Str.70, 10785 Berlin

Have fun in Berlin!!!

Credit: hedislimameofficial

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

flared jeans

I hated them, I hate them and I'm going to hate them (there's so much hatred around me lately). Might be looking good on Kate Moss but I'm not going to turn to Bootcut or flared jeans again, never ever!


Saturday, June 23, 2007

10 reasons why i hate topshop

(1) They don't ship to Germany (2) They don't ship to Germany (3) They don't ship to Germany (4) They don't ship to Germany (5) They don't ship to Germany (6) They don't ship to Germany (7) They don't ship to Germany (8) They don't ship to Germany (9) They don't ship to Germany (10) They don't ship to Germany
That's all...

Please avoid shopping there until they at least start shipping to Germany! How ridiculous. They ship to the US, but not to Europe HELLOOOOO???

You know they have this tall line and shoe sizes up to 42 and you can't imagine how hard it is in Germany to get propper clothes while beeing an outcast (5ft11 and shoe size 42).


Friday, June 22, 2007


I was very lucky to meet my friend Max at art basel. his father runs a gallery in düsseldorf which was also represented at art basel and since max is always helping his father out on the artfairs it was not that impossible to meet him there (please don't ask me why I didn't just call him. That's exactly what he asked me the moment we met...). Max invited Kate and me to come to the Volta art fair with him, since he had planned to meet some gallery friends from london there to have dinner with them afterwards.

I really enjoyed the Volta show. It was the last day and we were kind of late (everybody was already starting to pack their things). We sat outside drank good beer and had a nice talk. There we also met the guys from [im]perfect articles. I'll write more about their t-shirt project later...

"VOLTAshow01 —founded by Kavi Gupta (Kavi Gupta, Chicago), Friedrich Loock (Wohnmaschine, Berlin), Ulrich Voges (Voges + Partner, Frankfurt) and Amanda Coulson—premiered in 2005, parallel to Art Basel and attracted over 10,000 visitors. Conceived as a small but precious gem, the booths were all the same size, diminishing the sense of competition, while interchange and intersection were encouraged between exhibitors in order to create a relaxed atmosphere that was more boutique than shopping mall.

In 2006 VOLTAshow02 presented an expanded format in a new, bigger location in the Basel harbor. While allowing for
almost double the number of exhibiting international galleries, a project section dedicated to emerging artist solo presentations, specialized publications and a riverside café, the fair still maintained its charming, intimate atmosphere —a lustrous pearl in the rough shell of the industrial setting. On opening day The Art Newspaper declared "VOLTA gets Even Better!"

VOLTAshow03 plans to consolidate its success in the industrial Ultra Brag location and introduces a new model so as to maintain the focus on content. Continuing the original idea of presenting a boutique event that is more exhibition than trade fair, VOLTAshow03 has formed a Curatorial Board to advise in the selection process. [...] (website)

After Volta Kate, Max and I and David, Charlie, Poppy and another artist whos name I somehow don't remeber from david risley gallery drove back to the city to have dinner at an albanian restaurant which was quite good. And after that Kate and I rode our bikes to the infamous art club at the kunsthalle, where we met amer from vienna who was very nive talking to...

hang's art

Today Kate and I (well I seem to do a lot of things with kate lately ♥) went to the Kunst- akademie in Karlsruhe to meet Hang (the one who sew my dress to impress! She used to study fashion design) at her atelier.

Hang has an exhibition in about three weeks and slowly gets really excited about it. So we helped her to get some inspiration on how to arrange her stuff. She lended two major display tables from the landesmuseum to exhibit her art on. She draws lines on tranparent paper and tryes to form scultures out of them. Basicly she's trying to draw threedimensional. It's really amazing and my pictures don't do her work justice!

If you're around you should definitely visit the Kunstakademie's Rundgang 12th - 15th of July (or be there for the opening on wednesday 11th, 7 pm, so will I, since I'll be leaving to Berlin Fashion Week the day after) to see what Kate and I advised Hang to do. WE ARE GENIUS' ♥

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

art basel 05 ::: the girls

play was so kind to put some photos of some nice people from art basel on her blog. These are the ones I like the most. Actually I've also seen some of them in person. But - as usual - I was too shy to ask if I could take their photos.

The first girl works at mary mary gallery (what a cool name!). I've seen her at the Liste. I can remeber her Diesel high waisted skinny jeans. They looked better on her than in the commercials!

I've spotted the last femme at art basel with her girlfriend a couple of times and really liked her styling... Actually I got filmed. If you see me somewhere please tell me.


art basel 04 ::: art unlimited

I pretty much enjoyed Art Unlimited although we were kind of late and just had an hour left to look at everything (which was kind of sad, since there'd been a lot of nice video installations which we couldn't see). Art Unlimited is the place fot the art and not so much for the selling, so it felt kind of relaxing (although we didn't intend to buy anything anyway) ;-)

The «Art Unlimited» exhibition features some 70 artists from 28 countries presenting exciting art projects as can be seen at no other art fair in the world. The line-up of exhibiting artists at this prestigious exhibition of contemporary art reads like a Who’s Who of the cutting-edge international art scene. Many of the pieces on show have been created especially for «Art Unlimited». [...] (pressrelease).

Roberto Cavalli for H&M

I'm not so much a fan of designers collaborating with H&M. To be honest I don't own a single item... Well maybe this time I will? Need an idea on what his designs are like? Please check his aw 07/08 collection.

Monday, June 18, 2007

art basel 03 ::: katharina

I was really happy to meet a lot of people I knew. Katharina is currently working at meyer-riegger gallery in Karlsruhe (I've posted about them a couple of months ago here) and used to study with me at the hfg (well I'm currently graduating...).

Katharina has a really great style and I was always pleased to see what she'd pulled together. High fashion inspired styles - some H&M combined with lesser known designs always resulted in something great. Well art basel is not just about art it's also about style and expressing oneselves. Sometimes I really love the art world.

art basel 02 ::: deitch projects

The first floor was much better than the ground floor. I really enjoyed Jeffrey Deitch's gallery. It's pure rock'n'roll! At art basel he showed works by assume vivid astro focus, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Os Gemeos, Keith Haring, Chris Johanson, Brad Kahlhamer, Barry McGee, Steve Powers, Clare Rojas, Raqib Shaw, Swoon, Nari Ward and Kehinde Wiley.

His booth was huge and had two floors. It was really great - a mixture of fun, depth, party, whatever.
Did you know that he's also representing Fischerspooner??? Well I knew that they did this performance at art basel miami beach in 2002, but...!? How actually does an art gallery represent musicians, well thats what they basically are! That's so great! Jeffrey Deitch must be crazy!

Check out the "galleries" website. I still don't know if I like it or not - it's just so...

Kehinde Wiley | booth view | Barry McGee, Installation view, Meatmarket, 2004