Saturday, September 8, 2007

Back from Skulptur Projekte Münster

I'm back from Münster quite exhausted, but filled with new impressions (now I just have to find the time to continue working at my master thesis...). I spent three days on a bike riding around beautiful Münster with a map to find all these more or less interessting sculptures. I felt like on a paper chase it was real fun and the weather was quite alright aswell.

That's me reflected in a sculpture by Dan Graham

After almost three years of preparation, the fourth edition of Skulptur Projekte was opened on 16 June 2007 in Münster. Thirty-six artists have been invited to realise thirty-four projects throughout the city. For the first time, the exhibition will focus more strongly on film and video, performative arts will play a key role, and the internet will serve as an expanded public platform, transporting artistic ideas beyond the urban context. Together with Brigitte Franzen, curator for contemporary art at the LWLLandesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, and Carina Plath, the director of the Westfälischer Kunstverein, the veteran curator Kasper König is heading this year’s exhibition, skulptur projekte münster 07.

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This team has referred to Skulptur Projekte as a “long-term study” of how the artistic exploration of the public sphere – and how the public sphere itself – have changed over time. Indeed, every ten years since 1977, Skulptur Projekte has examined the ambivalent relationship between art and the public space by commissioning site-specific works that respond to the urban context and encourage active public participation. With its unique approach to this important subject, Skulptur Projekte has gained worldwide renown as one of the premier major international exhibitions. (pressrelease)

02 random flickr search

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