Friday, September 21, 2007

Gallerinas by the Satorialist

A German magazine calles young and beautiful girls working for or running New York it galleries "gallerinas". I wonder if this is a dream of every young and beautiful art historian, to work or shall I say to be exploited by a hip and stylis art gallerist? Last weekend a New Yorker galerist made me an offer, I have no idea if he is to be taken seriously, but well, what an honour ;-) Can you imagine me beeing a New York gallerina? For now I'm a Heidelberg gallerina, that's not bad either, at least much cheaper...

0737_gallerina1 MIRABELLA MARDEN

0737_gallerina2 SABRINA MANSOURI

0737_gallerina3 SOPHIE ASCHAUER

0737_gallerina4 MONICA RAMOS

0737_gallerina5 FELICITAS VALLOT

All photos taken by Scott Schuman for Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin
via les mads

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