Monday, July 14, 2008


Berlin Fashion Week is up and coming. I will be around and will be posting all the news. Today I bought myself a new friend and after having been to the hairdresser tomorrow morning I might be going to cookies at night.
I either will be sleeping the whole wednesday or will go shopping at garage in the morning. In the evening I will be going to the 14oz. shop opening at Neue Schönhauser Straße, the opening of projektgallery showroom (meeting friends like Raphael from Postweiler Hauber and Claudia Rosa Lukas), will take a glimpse at Smeilinener's (did an interview with Mischa Woeste today, which I am editing right now - will post more about it later) Installation and will end the night at Friday 13th's Garden Party at Grill Royal.
On thursday I will be working in the morning (uhu) to be free for LaLa Berlin's "Fashion meets Art" party in the afternoon and Ayzit Bostan's bree bag presentation at Galerie Johanssen.

pt.2 coming soon...

mary for berlin.unlike


How could I forget? An angel just wispered in my ear...

click pic for more info

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