Wednesday, January 31, 2007

please do not touch the work of art

Raqs Media Collective: 'Please Do Not Touch the Work of Art' (2003-07), wall text in Lund Konsthall

Credit: e-flux

Vienna 03

My last day at the austrian capital. First appointment was at the Museum für angewandte Kunst. I've seen an absolutely horrible exhibition by austrian artist Elke Krystufek called Liquid Logic. She is a contemporary artist working in tradition of the Viennese Actionism (those naked guys with the blood and the excrements!). So she works very selfcentred and most of the time naked (well, she still has a great body! And by the way she's the artist who once masturbated live in the Viennese Secession, maybe you've heard about that!?). Anyway. She concentrated on the mak's inventory and made works especially for this exhibition. Very good idea but very bad realisation. Even the curator Tulga Beyerle said so! They didn't have enough time in the end to transform their good ideas in a good exhibition. Well...

Nex stop was the Secession with exhibitions of Stan Douglas, Judith Hopf and Midori Mitamura. We had a very friendly but incompetent guide, at least for those who had the slightest idea of what she was talking about... The Secession just isn't the first white cube in the history of exhbition, but that's another topic! The Stan Douglas exhibit is really worth a visit.

Meanwhile I ate the best Döner of my life so far at the Naschmarkt, a market where you can buy EVERYTHING, absolutely EVERYTHING, there's just nothing you can't buy there!

After the Secession I made a quick stop at the annual student's presentation of the Akademie and met two young artistst I'm planning an exhibition with. More about them later...

Last stop of the day/trip was the Thyssen Bornemisza Art Contemporary with their exhibition This is not for you - Sculpture Discourses. My favourit exhibit was the one by Jeppe Hein. A large metal ball which followes the visitor (although this one somehow seemed to be afraid...).

After that I went back home by night train, totally exhausted but very enriched with ideas...

Beck's Fashion Experience Januar 2007

Although Karl doesn't like Berlin Fashion week there're some quite interessting things going on in that fashion scene. Today the organisers of Berlin Fashion week held a symposium on the topic "Why Berlin? - Why is Berlin one of the fashion capitals today?" Hhm. Personally I'm absolutely not interessted in economical facts, I want to see good fashion and this fashion week has to offer some young independent kreative designers.
Here're my favourites of the

Beck's fashion Exprience Januar 2007
a show where upcoming designers present their stuff (A.F. Vandevorst in the jury!), some of them for the first time in professional public!
The firs picture shows a work by Elena Schneider red leggins and pumps, asymetric tops and tunics, short coats, blue beige and white coloures dominate. The 24 years old is still on school, studying fashion design at the HfG Pforzheim which is open for public viewing on 9th and 10th of January.

Peter Bertsch, 27 years old, has studied in Antwerp (and we all know that some other very good people did so...). Diane has written about one of his collections some time ago. MORE...

I also liked Marie Louise Vogts designs. They remind me of Japanese designer Tsumori Chisato's designs La Femme blogged about earlier. MORE...

More pictures and information here (sorry, only in german. Please feel free to ask for translations!)

And please don't miss the perfect coverage of Berlin Fashion 07 week by styleserver/bored&beautiful. Totally recommended!


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I've been tagged... S. So here're six unusual things about me:

1. When I was 17 (that's nearly 10 years ago!) I was really into skateboarding. I was on of those girls wearing over-over-sized baggy pants és-shoes hook-ups sweaters and a skateboard under my arm. I loved skater boys, went to visit the münster monster mastership and was to afraid to skateboard. So one day I wrote a letter to a major german skateboard magazine monster skateboard magazine for motivation. They printed my letter in one of their issues and within a month nearly 50 compassionate Skateboarders called or wrote letters. On of those boys then became my first really boyfriend and my first really long distance relationship. I never learned how to really skateboard and I still avoid anything directly moving under my feet (even skis and snowboards, but please read no. 5).

2. Two days before my A-levels I got my hair braided. It hurt like hell and so I had to write my tests under the influence of pain reliever because of my bad headache.

3. In school I never wrote a test (except my A-levels) without a cheat sheet (or whatever this is called in english..). I never got caught!

4. My dog is allowed to sleep in my bed (uh I never talk about that, because I only know strange people who let their dogs sleep in their beds. My mother shouldn't read this!).

5. My father is from Hamburg and my mother from Nigeria so I grew up in a quite unskiing environment. What I'm trying to say is, that neither my father nor my mother ever skied in their lives (because there're no hills in nothern Germany and none in Nigeria - I guess). So I never went skiing during my childhood. When I was 22 I went for the first time and because I thought that snowboarding was much cooler I lend my brother's board and went to austria with some friends. Without ever having been on a snowboard or skis I took the skilift and stood on top of the hill and stood there for quite some time... well I tried it the next year and - you already know my skateboard story - decided to stop trying. I hurt my knee really badly once and fell out of a t-bar lift and sat crying on the piste...

6. Last year I passed my economics (as a minor!) exams with an A+ and didn't get it until today. I thought I was one of the worst students (although I've always passed my tests!). My professor just told me afterwards: "You should definitely be more selfconscious". Hhm. Please dont't ever ask me what I learned during these studies. I just thought it would be rational to take a "useful" minor besides art (major).

And I've tagged:

picky picks pics
tummy ache

Monday, January 29, 2007


Kristen Bell's wearing a beanie so do many others and so do I. I love Beanies in any kind of way. They keep your head warm and look sporty, cool, sexy...


Vienna 02

The next day started with an interview. Me and some friends went to the sculpture departement of the Akademie der Bildenden Künste to meet austrian artist Heimo Zobernig, who is also a professor at the Akademie (I'll post the interview here as soon as it's been published!).

Afterwards we went to the MUMOK to meet Susanne Neuburger, one of the permanent curators. She gave us a guided tour through their depot a place normal visitors can't regulary see. Although there's a quite interessting Erwin Wurm exhibition at the moment we didn't have the time to see it, we instead concentrated on Fokus 3. Concept. Action. Language whichs architecture was planned by Wilfried Kühn assisted by Steffen Oestreich from KuehnMalvezzi.

In the meantime I had the chance to make a little sightseeing tour (although it was my third time in Vienna and I already knew the tourist's hot spots) on the Ringstraße via tramway (No.2).

Last stop for that day was the Thomas Zipp exhibition opening at the Galerie Kritzinger. There were so many people, so many known faces (even my professor from Karlsruhe...). Thomas Zipp is a quite crazy guy teaching at the Akademie Karlsruhe at the moment ("Man muss halt coole Sachen machen!"). In my opinion he's just another one of these young coke snoring artists (?) doing rubbish and beeing sold far overpriced..., anyway.

Very last stop was a by austrian architect Herrmann Czech (I did an interview with him last november) designed Restaurant and a taxi ride back to the hotel afterwards.

Part 03 coming soon.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Carine Roitfeld on

This is one of these moments I love learning french. I'm motivated and I will pass my language test on wednesday. Just one question: Is there anybody who doesn't love Carine Roitfeld? If you haven't already watched this please do so now!

Credit: The Sartorialist

new design

Someting old - somtheing new. Things are changing. After some hours of tinkering around my blog's got a new design. I have deleted some links of blogs I don't read regulary, so now my list is more focussed on the kind of stuff I'm really interessted in. The new hover colour is pink, the colour which I love-hate the most. I've also changed fonts and paddings, deleted the background picture and feel like a real webdesigner ♥ Feel free to write about this make over or complain about my deleting the link to your blog (and tell me why I should continue reading it...)

And that's what it used to look like.

Vienna 01

Today I arrived back at home by night train early in the morning. The trip was great but quite exhausting. No time for shopping at all.

On thursday I visited the Generali Foundation which exhibition Exil des Imaginären (curated by Juli Carson) I dind't like that much, although I pretty much enjoyed Kerry Tribe's Video Here & Elsewhere (2000). The whole exhibition was - typical for the Generali Foundation - conceputal art and somehow incoherent. Some interessting art pieces put together in an incomprehensible manner. What was the exhibition about. Giving it an abstract title isnt't enough in my opinion. I met Sabine Breitwieser - artistic director - for an interview afterwards. A very enthusiastic and nice person. As soon as the interview is published I'll post it here. Later I incidentally met some friends from Cologne and Berlin there ♥ (the art world is such a small world).

After Gererali I walked to the Kunsthistorisches Museum opposite the Museumsquartier and relaxed at the sofas and rested my eyes on traditional art: Holbein, Vermeer, Hieronymus Bosch (some of my favourirtes) etc.

In the evening there've been exhibition openings at the Schleifmühlgasse galeries. The Schleifmühlgasse is a street in Vienna where some important young galeries are located. Like Christine König or Georg Kargl. Afterwards I met some friends for the traditional Wiener Schnitzel and a beer.

Part 02 is coming soon...

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Monday, January 22, 2007

ebay purchase 01

Yesterday I won this umbrella on ebay. For only 3.50 EUR it's a real bargain, since this umbrella is from the 1930s. Although I somehow hate brollies I'll give it a try. It's cool, it's vintage it fits my clothes so why not wearing my Hunters with a fashionable old umbrella?

Credit: ebay

Saturday, January 20, 2007

do it, don't!?

The Heidelberger Kunstverein is currently showing an exhibition called "Das Buch" (The Book). It is about bookprojects by artists which have been produced since the 1960s. Most of the exhibits have a conceptual approach which sometimes isn't easy to understand nevertheless, the exhibition isn't brittle at all, even sometimes fun and definitely worth a visit! The participating artists are: Peter Piller (Archiv), Fiona Banner (Nam), Mel Bochner(Working Drawings and Other Visible Things on Paper Not Necessarily Meant To Be Viewed As Art), Mariana Castillo Deball (Never Odd or Even, Simon Faithful (Lost), Holmer Feldmann & Andreas Grahl (The Cabinet. / Der Schrank. The Art Collection The Cabinet of Art Detective, Artist & Collector Ramon Haze, Acquested by His Deputies Holmer Feldmann and Andreas Grahl).

My favourit exhibit is a work by Hans Ullrich Obrist called "do it". The book has been published by e-flux and Revolver - Archiv fur aktuelle Kunst, and sponsored by Art Basel. 368 pages, hard plastic cover, ISBN 3-86588-001-0
Design: Christoph Steinegger/Interkool

"With Do It in hand, you will be able to make a work of (someone else's) art yourself. Since 1993 Do It has provided its public with how-to pages of instructions written by 168 of the most important artists and writers working today. Some of the projects are historic classics brought forward especially for the occasion, but most of the contributions being imagined here are new. Do it has grown in stages, springing up around the world in 45 museums and art centers in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Australia. The time has come to summarize the results in a book that is part manual, part cookbook, part do-it-yourself kit. Here it is. It has only just begun!" [...]

And here are some videos of artist doing it...

Credit: hdkv

Blow up!

Lovely eva from myspace (iqons, lifejournal) has posted this scene from blow up! as a comment today and it reminded me about how much I love that movie and that I have to see it again very soon...

Friday, January 19, 2007

The Latex Story Part 02

Fashionologie and Susie Bubble have blogged about a pretty interessting ed starring Suvi Kuponen in the february issue of french Vogue earlier this day. Although I think her legs are a tiny little bit too skinny (please no further discussion in that topic!) I somehow feel attracted to that kind of cross-styling and not just because I'm in permanent search of styling inspiration for my pvc leggins (and stockings I've purchased recently!). Although I'd replace the shoes (any idea where they're from?) and nike socks (though I'm a huge nike fan) for ballet flats - as usual!


Bonne chance!

Meant as "good chance" and "good luck"...
The TATE Modern is seeking a curator. Which pretty much fits into my idea of an ideal occupation. Too bad I still haven't finished my studies...
Hhm. Maybe there's a more qualified person amongst my readears?

MORE information!

credit: e-flux

Antonia Zander Cashmere

I love Cash-
mere. Who actually doesn't? Anyway. The young munich based designer Antonia Zander is spezialised on cashmere: contemporary stylings - dresses, cardigans, sweaters, skirts - in hip colours. The green one shown on the left - called Tilda (Swinton?) - comes in 20 different colours (around 530 EUR).


ebay 001

Stuff I would buy if it would fit me...
Today I found these superb MARC by MARC JACOBS booties on ebay Germany. Unfortunaltey they wouldn't fit...
This person shipps only to Austria or Germany, but maybe you can talk to him/her...
They're size 36 which is a US size 5/6. Worn about 20 times and in very good condition, dark red coloured. They are 100% original bought at Theresa in Munich.

More information and pictures.

Good luck...

Credit: ebay

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Les Hunters arrivaient...

... and have already been in use. I never was happier seeing the rain outside. I felt very british countryside glastonbury like this morning while walking my dog ♥

Yesterday in school:
Maret: I've ordered some Hunter Wellies.
Alice: What?
Maret: Those rubber boots Kate Moss is wearing during Glastonbury festival.
Alice: Rubber boots? Where?
Maret: I needed a pair anyway. So I thought they should at least be chique and a lifetime investment!
Alice: Hhm. You are into rubber stuff lately, aren't you?

to be continued...

Monday, January 15, 2007

Vogue Germany | February 2007

Rachel Weisz by Mark Abrahams. Hhm what I love about the German Vogue is that they usually put models on their covers, instead of celebrities which happens too often on US (and others!) Vogue. Hhm. I guess that's alright this time, although this cover looks somehow boring. Hhm

Scanned by Helligirl from tfs

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Paris mon amour...

I'll be in Paris this year (please cross your fingers!). And this are some highlights (Balenciaga is missing, though!? And who's really interessted in Mrs Beckham's opinion? Anyway...) of Spring/Summer 07 in Paris...

The Latex Story Part 01

On the phone:
Alice: I wonder what happend to the latex leggins you've told me about a couple of weeks ago!?
Maret: Hhm. Yeah. I know what you're talking about... (thinking: Yes, this little rubber thing in the little rubber bag lying somewhere in my closet).
Alice: I never see you wearing it.
Maret: I know! You need some kind of powder to get them on and a spray to make them shiny! I somehow forgot to order them with the pants.
Alice: So order them!
Maret: Hhm... There're some Sex shops here in Heidelberg I've already been to. The first on is run by two quite nice gay guys. Besides some porn dvd buying freaks turning their heads when I entered no spray and no powder. Although the two gays offered me to order it for me...
Alice: And the other shops?
Maret: Heidelberg is quite boring. Maybe they all order their stuff on the internet or just have a boring sex life or only watch porn dvds!? What happend to sex culture?
Alice: Don't know!
Maret: It's quite depressing!
Alice: Hhm...
Maret: My boyfriend doesn't like the leggins (thinking: actually there're a lot of things I wear my boyfriend doesn't like)!
Alice: I've already thought so.

to be continued...


Please visit THE STYLE SCOUT
They're now posting videos!!!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Hans Haacke | Berlin + Hamburg

Hardly any art work in Germany has invoked such a wide discussion about art and politics in the last decades like Hans Haacke’ s installation DER BEVÖLKERUNG at the Berliner Reichstag in the year 2000. The recording of the parliamentary debate will now be part of the first large retrospective of Hans Haacke in Germany, which will be shown at the Deichtorhallen, Hamburg and the Akademie der Künste, Berlin simultaneously.

I've been to the Hamburg exhibition and it's really worth a visit. Take your arthating friend with you. He'll enjoy it! Until February 4th 2007


Credit: VG BILD-KUNST, Bonn

Friday, January 12, 2007

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Moved by...

William Forsythe's "In the middle, somewhat elevated" performed by Svetlana Zakharova and Andre Merkuriev.

and The Forsythe Company performing "The Agon section of Limbs".


Beuys und Beuys

Brauchen wir Beuys heute noch? Der Mann, der sagte "ich denke sowieso mit dem Knie", ist vor 20 Jahren am 23. Januar im Alter von 64 Jahren in seinem Atelier in Düsseldorf gestorben. "Kulturzeit extra" fragt, was geblieben ist von dem Jahrhundertkünstler, der die Grenzen des Kunstbegriffs gesprengt hat, der Fett und Filz als kunstwürdige Materialien eingeführt hat und dessen Fettstuhl auch heute noch die meisten Menschen nicht für Kunst halten, obwohl er auf dem Markt Millionen bringen würde [...]

See the movie - if you can make it - tomorrow at the Heidelberger Kunstverein, january 12th, 7pm

Credit: 3sat

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Sleek | Winter 0607

some more

Credit: sleek


In German little rabbits are called "Kaninchen". To be accurate one must speak about a small dog as a "kaninchen", since "-chen" is a german diminutive form and "kanin" has its origin in "canus" the latin word for dog. Alright. Lesson's over for today.

Actually I was about to write about (?) an exhibition at the art library Berlin which I came across in my Sleek lecture:

"It’s the fashion for spoiled little luxury »dogs« to be forced by their mislead mistresses into terribly disfiguring garments. The true canine (!) elite, however, prefer something more substantial; for example, one of the classic and iconic coats by MAX MARA. The trademark of the Italian fashion label is now featured in the exhibition »coats! Max Mara, 55 Jahre Mode aus Italien«, Kunstbibliothek SMB, Kulturforum Potsdamer Platz, Berlin, until 4 March 2007."

Hhm. Another post of my dogs opinion? Nope. What's it with all these doggy things lately??? Well, I guess I should just get away with all these drugs my doc. prescribed me and get well very very soon...

Via: sleek