Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I've been tagged...

...by S. So here're six unusual things about me:

1. When I was 17 (that's nearly 10 years ago!) I was really into skateboarding. I was on of those girls wearing over-over-sized baggy pants és-shoes hook-ups sweaters and a skateboard under my arm. I loved skater boys, went to visit the münster monster mastership and was to afraid to skateboard. So one day I wrote a letter to a major german skateboard magazine monster skateboard magazine for motivation. They printed my letter in one of their issues and within a month nearly 50 compassionate Skateboarders called or wrote letters. On of those boys then became my first really boyfriend and my first really long distance relationship. I never learned how to really skateboard and I still avoid anything directly moving under my feet (even skis and snowboards, but please read no. 5).

2. Two days before my A-levels I got my hair braided. It hurt like hell and so I had to write my tests under the influence of pain reliever because of my bad headache.

3. In school I never wrote a test (except my A-levels) without a cheat sheet (or whatever this is called in english..). I never got caught!

4. My dog is allowed to sleep in my bed (uh I never talk about that, because I only know strange people who let their dogs sleep in their beds. My mother shouldn't read this!).

5. My father is from Hamburg and my mother from Nigeria so I grew up in a quite unskiing environment. What I'm trying to say is, that neither my father nor my mother ever skied in their lives (because there're no hills in nothern Germany and none in Nigeria - I guess). So I never went skiing during my childhood. When I was 22 I went for the first time and because I thought that snowboarding was much cooler I lend my brother's board and went to austria with some friends. Without ever having been on a snowboard or skis I took the skilift and stood on top of the hill and stood there for quite some time... well I tried it the next year and - you already know my skateboard story - decided to stop trying. I hurt my knee really badly once and fell out of a t-bar lift and sat crying on the piste...

6. Last year I passed my economics (as a minor!) exams with an A+ and didn't get it until today. I thought I was one of the worst students (although I've always passed my tests!). My professor just told me afterwards: "You should definitely be more selfconscious". Hhm. Please dont't ever ask me what I learned during these studies. I just thought it would be rational to take a "useful" minor besides art (major).

And I've tagged:

picky picks pics
tummy ache

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