Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Sick and tired...

...of hanging around at my place. I'm stuck with some silly kind of influenca. Not too bad but too annoying, too many DVD's and not enough school stuff. While surfing the internet - there isn't much more to do since I don't have a TV (YEAH I DON'T HAVE A TV!!!! AND I NEVER HAD ONE SINCE A MOVED TO THIS PLACE!!!) the internet besides some books is the only thing that keeps me alive while beeing ill and in bed - I came across this magazine which I'll definitely subscribe to. My dog will love to read it since I tought her how to read.

That's what the editor says about it:

And that's what my DOG says about it:

And after watching that little movie I'm not longer feeling bad for pampering myself with a pair of HUNTER wellie's. I did it for my dog!!!! Now I can walk through all that mud she loves to role herself in. And besides - without wanting to sound offensive "I love all kind of dogs" but - I at least have a DOG and not a pooch or FUSSHUPE (something that honks when you stamp your foot on it - o.k. sounds cruel...) how these little dogs are called in Germany...

Via: Elisa.

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