Sunday, January 28, 2007

Vienna 01

Today I arrived back at home by night train early in the morning. The trip was great but quite exhausting. No time for shopping at all.

On thursday I visited the Generali Foundation which exhibition Exil des Imaginären (curated by Juli Carson) I dind't like that much, although I pretty much enjoyed Kerry Tribe's Video Here & Elsewhere (2000). The whole exhibition was - typical for the Generali Foundation - conceputal art and somehow incoherent. Some interessting art pieces put together in an incomprehensible manner. What was the exhibition about. Giving it an abstract title isnt't enough in my opinion. I met Sabine Breitwieser - artistic director - for an interview afterwards. A very enthusiastic and nice person. As soon as the interview is published I'll post it here. Later I incidentally met some friends from Cologne and Berlin there ♥ (the art world is such a small world).

After Gererali I walked to the Kunsthistorisches Museum opposite the Museumsquartier and relaxed at the sofas and rested my eyes on traditional art: Holbein, Vermeer, Hieronymus Bosch (some of my favourirtes) etc.

In the evening there've been exhibition openings at the Schleifmühlgasse galeries. The Schleifmühlgasse is a street in Vienna where some important young galeries are located. Like Christine König or Georg Kargl. Afterwards I met some friends for the traditional Wiener Schnitzel and a beer.

Part 02 is coming soon...

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