Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Vienna 03

My last day at the austrian capital. First appointment was at the Museum für angewandte Kunst. I've seen an absolutely horrible exhibition by austrian artist Elke Krystufek called Liquid Logic. She is a contemporary artist working in tradition of the Viennese Actionism (those naked guys with the blood and the excrements!). So she works very selfcentred and most of the time naked (well, she still has a great body! And by the way she's the artist who once masturbated live in the Viennese Secession, maybe you've heard about that!?). Anyway. She concentrated on the mak's inventory and made works especially for this exhibition. Very good idea but very bad realisation. Even the curator Tulga Beyerle said so! They didn't have enough time in the end to transform their good ideas in a good exhibition. Well...

Nex stop was the Secession with exhibitions of Stan Douglas, Judith Hopf and Midori Mitamura. We had a very friendly but incompetent guide, at least for those who had the slightest idea of what she was talking about... The Secession just isn't the first white cube in the history of exhbition, but that's another topic! The Stan Douglas exhibit is really worth a visit.

Meanwhile I ate the best Döner of my life so far at the Naschmarkt, a market where you can buy EVERYTHING, absolutely EVERYTHING, there's just nothing you can't buy there!

After the Secession I made a quick stop at the annual student's presentation of the Akademie and met two young artistst I'm planning an exhibition with. More about them later...

Last stop of the day/trip was the Thyssen Bornemisza Art Contemporary with their exhibition This is not for you - Sculpture Discourses. My favourit exhibit was the one by Jeppe Hein. A large metal ball which followes the visitor (although this one somehow seemed to be afraid...).

After that I went back home by night train, totally exhausted but very enriched with ideas...

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