Sunday, June 8, 2008


Many ideas and hardly any concrete plans for the week, besides working.
On tuesday I will be doing some kind of seminar as a professional preparation of my life as a freelancer.
On wednesday I might be attending the zero'' Party at KILLEKILL but may be in bed early in order to be well rested for my trip to Hamburg on thursday.
I most certainly will be at the Gillian Morris Gallery on Friday for the opening reception of an exhibition my friend Sabinah will be part of.
Other plans for the week are: Watching the SATC movie (yeah I still haven't done that!), trying to visit the Boros Collection (which is open to the public since last saturday) and starting to prepare my trip to NYC aswell as my contribution to the symposium in Hamburg at the end of June (which litteraly means - READING A LOT OF BOOKS AND ESSAYS).


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