Thursday, March 27, 2008


Vor einer halben Ewigkeit wurde ich einmal mit dem Thinking Blogger Award ausgezeichnet. Das ist mir nun wieder und dann gleich zweimal passiert. Mein Dank geht diesmal an Lisa von La Lila und Michaela von tschilp, während ich hier sitze und vier (!) unbelegte Brötchen esse und mich sehr freue, endlich Internet in meiner Berliner Wohnung zu haben (seit gestern!).

What is the story behind the name of your blog and nickname?

My blog is called F&ART which derives from Fashion & ART and that's what it's all about. F&ART can be pronounced "F and ART" or simply "FART" (we would say "FURZ" in German). I really do love fashion, art, design and all things creative, but do not take all of this THAT seriously. Talking about nice clothes, people's styles etc. is fun and I like the volatilizing sense about it. Today it's there, gone by tomorrow...

What has been your best and worst blogging experience?

Beein invited to Paris by Lancôme and meeting other bloggers from all around the world. Well, basically meeting nice people and making new friends. Technical experience and beeing able to get jobs troughout blogging. No bad experiences so far...

What do you think/ want to happen to your blog in 2008?

More readers please!!! I LOVE new readers and new nice commentators!!!

Here are the nominees (knowing that some of you already have been nominated!):

Patricia from bobble bee
Géraldine from café mode
Garance from une fille comme moi (Hope to meet you and Géraldine in Hyères)
Riz from mode et utopie
Jennine from the coveted (welcome to Germany!!!)

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