Monday, May 19, 2008


f&art has got a slightly new design and will from now on feature one song every week. People who contemplate this blog in a reader should make the effort to visit the original page at least once a week if they are interessted in listening to parts of my soundtrack (will be located as youtube video in the right hand sidebar). Bloc party's "Pioneers" will make the start (kudos to Mary).

My plans for the week are finish reading The Fashioned Body and start reading Body Dressing in order to finish a text on fashion, body and their relationship with art. This week you should look out for the FAZ's Feuilleton to find an article on the Hyères festival written by me. On wednesday I will be attending the opening of the cvg showroom and the vernissage of the Last Ten Shots exhibition.

On friday I will most likely be at the bless shop, looking at the car cover they made for intersection magazine. Last but not least I hope to see some friends in town and might be attending Klaus's birthday party at the picknick on saturday.

update: f&art's relevance is rising! Happy to have a Google Pagerank of 5 (whatever that REALLY means).

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