Wednesday, May 28, 2008



The third festival for fashion & photography, initiated and organized by Unit F büro für mode, will take place from 28 May to 6 June 2008. For the past eight years, Unit F has been accompanying Austrian fashion designers on their way toward greater professionalism and internationalization. What started out as a small ceremony for presenting the Austrian Fashion Awards has with time evolved into a self-confident celebration of the Austrian fashion scene.


The festival's two core themes of fashion & photography come together to form a symbiotic unit in the annual image campaign. Photography makes a congenial partner for fashion, capturing it in compelling pictures and thus creating the very image on which it thrives.
The theme of this year's image campaign - Colours - revolves around the abundance of facets awaiting discovery on the Austrian fashion scene. Conceived by Unit F, the campaign is being realized by a creative team headed by renowned German photographer Joachim Baldauf. As last year, the key role is played by the latest outfits created by Austrian fashion designers.
The production of the image campaign for the 8 festival for fashion & photography, made possible by the support of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour, lends expression to the considerable significance of the young fashion scene for the domestic economy. [pressrelease]

8 Festival for Fashion and Photography
28 May - 06 June, Vienna
Download the program overview here

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