Wednesday, April 30, 2008


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Happy to see that my favourite designer had won. As if I had known it before I made the effort to tape parts of the show for you to get an idea (well sorry my camera isn't that good) of this oh so perfect collection "Hail Mary". It definitely isn't a coincidence that the University of Westminster graduate was awarded by a jury which Riccardo Tisci of Givenchy was president of. I can pretty well imagine seeing Mr Cunnington somewhere in the orbit of the French fashionhouse soon.


"Hail Mary" was inspired by the life of the designers own mother who in 1969, due to social pressure, was forced to abandon her illegitimate daughter, meeting again only thirty years later. This collection, defined by the memory of this reconciliation, can be understood in a more symbolic than narrative fashion. A tightly worn draped dress ‘contains the emotion on the inside’. A cloth burnt with acid evokes the ‘fragility of this poignant story’. An exposed pocket on a coat signifies that ‘there is nothing left to hide’. The shoulders are accentuated in order to depict the anxiety and guilt carried for so long. Insignificant details suddenly gain a disproportionate importance, such as the large buttons sewn on the front of the dress. Delicate and intimate, this collection invites us to delve into the recollections and emotions of a woman. pressrelease

Well blah blah but anyway, one of the best collections at Hyères...

credit: diane pernet


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"Ich will nen Cowboy als Mann" is the name of the collection the Belgian designer Jean-Paul Lespagnard presented at Hyères. This means "I want a cowboy as a husband" and is a song title by Gitte from 1963. The collection itself was a clash between cowboy romanticism and belgian french fries aesthetics. In Germany we would say "Pommes Schranke" which literally means "French Fries à la gate" in reference to the red/white stripes. Anyway. Jean-Paul seams to be a very nice guy and I LOVED THE HEELS (guess you already knew that).

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credit: café mode

By the way Jean-Paul is the winner of the 1.2.3 price (Peter Bertsch won this one last year). AND this is the song this all is about:

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


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You can be sure to find lots of stylish people where art and fashion collide. It's not different in Hyères. The unofficial streetstyle blogger's meetup resulted in many interessting Hyères-style pictures. Here you will find a small selection. Check out their blogs for more (find the links below)...

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When I asked Garance how the unofficial dresscode is going to be like before I left for Hyères she said Be extreeeeemely cool with one or two fashion details and you will be perfect. It's quite young fashion there, not at all like the fashion weeks. More independant, you see? I guess the lady knows what she is talking about...

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All pictures taken by Garance Doré, Géraldine Dormoy and Scott Schuman



Besides the ten fashion designers and photographers presenting their new works essential part of the festival are the exhibitions taking part all around at Villa Noailles. I loved the laied back relaxed atmosphere, wandering around the villa exploring fantastic photography and art, taking a rest in the sun. Why can't all business trips be like that?

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I really loved the Haider Ackermann exhibition. Fabrics and Garments were draped on ropes which were bended all around a wide openend light-flooded room.




I am back from Hyères and have tons of information to blog about. Unfortunately the internet connection in my hotel room wasn't as stable as I have hoped it was so blogging wasn't possible :| and I was too lazy to drag my laptop around the whole day, so I decided to have an internet free weekend which was marvelous!!!

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If you didn't already know the Festival International de Mode et de Photographie à Hyères, directed by Jean-Pierre Blanc 22 years ago, gathers every year ten young fashion designers and ten young photographers under the patronage of an international jury. On every edition, the festival presents at the Villa Noailles —the landmark cubist villa built in the 1920’s by Mallet-Stevens — several exhibitions that explore the permeating boundaries between art, photography and fashion.

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to be continued...

Monday, April 21, 2008


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credit: diane pernet

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. There simply is too much stuff that needs to be prepared these days. I will be leaving for Hyères this friday YEAH. The pictures Diane Pernet posts want me leave NOW. Although the Berlin weather is slowly getting better I am longing for the SUN.

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credit: diane pernet